Best Races for DK (Alliance and Horde)

I’m not talking racials or minmaxing people, I’m talking what is the fricking coolest race to chop someone down as a minion of the lich king. Which one makes you feel like the lich king the most?

Dk sets look great on blood elves and void elves because the model is very well balanced for the sets. Especially females where you don’t have skyscraper shoulders. Serve was a blood elf and a void elf forever.

Zandalari male trolls look incredible and fit the blood theme very well.

Draenei males and everything that makes a 2h look good on them. Scaling is wonky though, so I think they look better with creative mix and match mog rather than most sets.

NE female also has good set balance (male shoulders go brrrrr). The night warrior eye option looks GREAT with the dk undead skin tones. Shadowmeld is also the nuts.


Vulpera because I sound cuddly, I have the best dance, and xtra hearth stone is broke af. They also look even more cuddly in bulky plate. I look so chonk and I love it.

Shouldnt that just be human since both LK’s were human? Outside of the actual LK being an Orc though just a spirit trapped inside a set of armor that couldnt move and had to merge with a vessel.

So Human… specifically human male.


True, I guess. Just human is quite boring lol.

I mean I’m a panda. I clearly have no tastes in races.


Worgan looks cool the racial mount where they run on all fours looks pretty menacing and the racial Dark Flight helps with the low mobility. for the class

Orcs and plate armor, literally the best combination in the game.

Worgen DK. Increased mount speed with Running Wild looks awesome, the 1% crit becomes parry in Blood spec, Darkflight can replace either Death’s Advance or Wraith Walk saving you potentially up to 2 talents in a DF build and you’re a cool undead werewolf.

Additionally, /roar with DK voice modulation on is one of the most menacing sounds in the game.


Human male 100% best and most obvious choice for alliance

Hmm imo zandalari troll male, or both male & female orcs for horde

I love orc, but I hate the floaty shoulders.


panda best race :panda_face: :panda_face:

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Zandalari for horde, because they look they best in plate armor out of all the races in the game.

On the alliance I’d say dwarf for the same reasons as zandalari (except they don’t look as cool).

I never understood this remark, what exactly is exciting about ANY of the races?

Sure some seem better suited to a particular class but to claim one is more boring than the rest suggests the others are exciting in some way,

I just never saw a race as exciting.

No shoes makes me sad


Generally speaking, I’ve always preferred female Draenei when it comes to plate and mail classes. They’re not too thin (like all the Elves) nor are they ridiculously thick like many of the male races and the pandas. Many of the boots for female Draenei look pretty cool because of how their foot bone structure looks ending in the hooves, and the giant ram horns curling out of a heavy plate helmet is a great touch. I also like their basic running animation, with the tail swaying in counterpoint to a long cloak. The cloak sways one direction and the tail the opposite direction and it adds a nice little bit of constant movement to the back of my character that pleases my eyes.

They also possess some of the chonkiest two-handed animations the game has to offer as far as I’m concerned, second only to the pandas and their constant one-handed animations with a weapon that should use both hands. Obliterate especially looks and feels fantastic as a female Draenei, that savage overhead strike that looks like it’d split someone from head to toe.

Forsaken are the best! Night Elves are definitely a number two.

I said number two. Hehe