Best race for Paladin

Alliance - Draenei
Horde - Blood Elf

Definitely. Especially the females. Not sure if the males are getting the more draconic horn options LFD have.

Agreed. Luckily with the class mounts, you can play a Draenei without riding the stupid space dumbo mounts.

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Gnome. Gnome Ret pally. Give it to me, Blizzard,
gimme gimme gimme

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Void elf soon.


search in your heart you know it to be true

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paladin should be human only, purge the heathens.


I assure you, being an ambulance and running over people is fun.

Alliance - Human
Horde - Tauren

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Hehe! Hugs Chellybee!

Heya, hope you’re doing ok, and please stay safe, don’t want to lose and forum fav’s anytime soon ok! :mask:

OP: The answer is, Horde Female Blood Elf, we have 2 super powers, the Light and Looking Fabulous, or you can be a MHP and live with your meme status! :wink:

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Blood Knight all the way.

Appropriate transmog may be a little sparse, but Female Blood Elves look amazing wearing full plate.

Gnome Paladins

Alliance - Dark Iron imo but space goats will be pretty good too.
Horde - Zandalari

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Alliance - Dwarf, Lightforged is also ran
Horde - Zandalari, Blood Elf is also ran

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weeps :sob:

Depends on what you want to do. Are you asking for looks, lore or racials?

For Alliance, Dark Iron have a good racial for tanking, with Dwarf as second best. Lightforged racial is good for Ret, and Humans pull ahead for Holy.

For Horde, there aren’t any standouts for tanking. I prefer Tauren but thats just my personal choice. Blood elves stand out for Ret spec and Holy. Zandalari are a good alternative.

Racials should not be your primary decision maker, though. They don’t offer that big of a difference, and honestly it’s all about the same unless you’re pushing really high keys or are a CE raider.


Lightforged for Alliance and Blood Elf for Horde.

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Alliance - Dwarf.
Horde - Pick your poison.

Humans, because they are strong and handsome. Just look at me.

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Zandalari racials are great for this class in my opinion.

The Loa racial can let you customize any play style but the only down fall is a 5 day waiting period to switch Loa benefits.

I would go Zandalari Troll, no question.

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