Best race for Paladin

Horde or alliance?

Just pick w/e looks the best to you :slight_smile:


Looks? I say lightforged Draenei.
Gameplay? Zandalari


Alliance - Human
Horde - Zandalari Troll


You shouldn’t play a paladin.

I mean, unless you’re a terrible person.


Blood Elf & Zandalari

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Long time human protection paladin and I have to say as a tank I am very envious of the dwarf racial I would go dwarf if you’re going to tank.

Ret I would go human since they’re probably the highest dps and you can see your transmogs.

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LF Draenei
Here is a sample of my character

Sadly, I can’t show her back side. She’s awesome on live than on pic…

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I love how Draenei and Lightforged look but I feel like with the upcoming customization options I feel like regular Draenei outclass them in most ways.

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A horse race.

Paladins like their horsies.

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is that even a question? Human of course!!!

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Alliance: Void Elf
Horde: Undead


HMP, don’t listen to the narrow minded haters

Lightforged. Nothing more needs to be said.

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I’m partial to dwarf paladins, but it might be their shiny new golden ram.

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Blood elf of course

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looks at nails and back at you

Do I even need to say it? :nail_care:


Human! The only true race

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Best race imo is lightforged Draenei.

How can you say that honestly after

OP don’t listen to anyone that says Light forged over regular Draenei they will be archaic very quickly and they will just look plain inferior after Shadowlands.

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