So, I want to be Guardian druid, the bear who can not be slayed. The tank who takes 6 people to be taken down.
Basically, which race is best for Guardian druid?
So, I want to be Guardian druid, the bear who can not be slayed. The tank who takes 6 people to be taken down.
Basically, which race is best for Guardian druid?
Night Elves.
Because Druids of the Claw, from Warcraft 3.
I was thinking Kul tiran because brush it off and hp regeneration but night elves yea, good choice too.
You’ll need to play a Horde race for that, because the only way you’ll find 6 people who can’t kill you is if you’re fighting against the Alliance, not as one.
Bold to assume he’ll be able to find 6 Alliance in Warmode.
Edit: even bolder to assume he’ll be facing off against anyone on his own if he’s playing Horde.
You have to factor a lot of things OP,
Do you plan on exploiting flight form for professions? Tauren
Do you plan on doing M+? Night Elf
Roleplay? Kultiran
Multiple specs? Troll(s)
Worgen are the worst race so at least there’s solidarity in that .
Might be favoritism but Tauren(s) are the best.
Taz’dingo! Trolls all da way Mon!
We be regeneratin’ during combat with our regeneration passive, that also increases our out of combat regeneration as well.
We got da voodoo shuffle reducing the duration of all movement impairing effects by 20%. Trolls be flippin’ out mon!
And the best passive Berserking which increases our haste by a decent amount ~15% haste increase.
Also trolls are the first and original race, night elves came from trolls.