Best quote I've seen is from a dang Kobold

" Sometimes only can see in dark when not blinded by light"

If we later on reveal that the light itself isnt good ( alotta hints pointing at this since Legion) and it was forshadowed by a dang Kobold, Imma buy everyone a 6 month sub.

Because holy heck thats a quote and I love it.

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How about you look at the sun right now and tell me how well you can stare at it

I really don’t see your view of foreshadowing

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My mom says not to :c

Back in Legion the Kobolds have a quest line ( at least i think it was legion) explaining their fascination and necessity of candles due to an “entity” existing in the shadows. It went on and explained their culture surrounding the candles and that “entity”

Going further ahead DF has been hinting at pretty heavily that the Titans are not these oh so might saviors that we have had for a while. At least through the quests I’ve seen.

The whole “Balance” Between the Light/Void is always on its extremes. There is no Grey area there. Its a consistently non-ending struggle thats just going to go on long after we wither away.

SLs briefly touched on that with Sylvanus hinting at this entire lifestyle is a prison in its own making.

Going up to where were at now with the Kobolds. Their entire thing is running AWAY from the darkness. This one particular Kobold had to EMBRACE it, granted on the surface level based on the quest it could just be self introspection ( demons inside you type of deal) however based on the coming fight that will no doubt end with us at least meeting a Void Lord ( Boss of the Old Gods) this quote sings HEAVILY into that theory it could be foreshadowing.

Edit: In FF14 Shadowbringes expac the idea in there was to flip everything upside down. So in there (in an alternate world) Light is actually the enemy. Its this corrupting angelic presence that imbalances peoples Aether ( think souls, spirits, chi, etc) towards that of the light. Too much of it corrupts you into these monsters.
Your character during the expansion is to bring darkness to a light filled world. We as a society (and based on evolution) equate darkness to just being bad/evil.

The grey area here being that Balance is required. If you tip the scales towards one or the other its not a good thing. Too much darkness bad, Too much Light bad.

I think WoW is touching this subject briefly with the whole worldsoul saga. Going further Death Magic ( Necromancy) is on the dark end of the spectrum. Theres a pciture that outlines Order and Chaos and their individual spectrums.
We clearly see in Maldraxxus that Necromancy is not inherently evil. Actually going further when doing the retaking of the Undercity questline it outright tells you " Its not the magic but the user".

“Sometimes you can only see in the dark when youre not blinded by the light”.

Possibility opens up where we can then take that further too. But I dont want to turn this post into that long lol

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