Best professions for money making?

Thick leather isn’t selling for that price on my server - ppl have been begging on trade chat for it because there is nothing in the ah.

Best professions for money making : Find 4 other guildies and layer exploit dungeons. Welcome to 2019 WoW. Goodluck

I’m actually wondering if I would make more if I took the transfer to Arcanite Reaper. New server, fairly empty. Farming spots won’t be so congested.

That’s what I’m banking on… both my mage and priest are in the 30’s and both are 225 alchy/herb.

I agree.

This too. I haven’t spent a nickel on alchemy on either toon… just gathered my own herbs while leveling.


The only item I’ve sold on AH so far is Elixir of Defense. It sells pretty well due to being quest related.

Biggest thing for me though is I’ve leveled the profession on both toons with nothing but a time investment. It will be profitable later.

Skinning is fine.

I’ll give you a tip here but it involves mob grinding to level.

Go to the shimmering flats. On the South wall of the crater is a basilisk farming spot. Kill them from level 33 to level 37. Skin when you have to wait for a respawn.

You will have competition for the farm, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve seen it support up to 8 people. You can make anywhere from 20k to 40k xp/hour.

I ended up having 140g at level 40, but I pretty much grinded to level and vendored everything.

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Herbs doing well on my server. If I were just concerned about gold, I would make an herbalist/skinner. The skins are just for extra vendor trash except maybe the hides at higher levels.

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That’s the point, you pick up skinning so you can grind for vendor cash. Honestly I picked up tailoring and enchanting and so far it has proven to be a bigger gold sink than gold maker and I probably won’t be seeing major paybacks for a while now. If you are on a fresh toon then picking up skinning will be your fastest way to make gold during the leveling stage. You can always respeck later when getting the matt’s for your professions aren’t as time consuming.

Looks like we found another one. :policeman:

Mining is always a good idea because both blacksmiths and engineers need it. I’ve seen a stack of coarse stone sell for 1 gold and heavy stones even more.

You will now get banned for this… There is a blue thread up.

Unless of course you’re a streamer literally streaming layer abuse in which case carry on.

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OR, Play a class that has a speed increase or free mount and don’t do professions.

I tried doing profession but found it to annoying and hard.