Best places to read WoW fan fiction?

I’ve been getting more into reading lately so I wanted to know your go to sites or other places that have the best fanfic for WoW!

I don’t read fanfic as some of it truly frightens me (shudder). There are buckets of novels available though that are officially sanctioned.

Good luck!


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I hear is a good place to find it.

Fanfic is bad. Read the novels instead. Half of those are mediocre too but they’re better than the buckets of Anduin X Wrathion fanfic you’ll find elsewhere.

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You can always check out the Where people partake in forum Roleplay and post Original fan fiction.

As for the other places, I assume the large sites fanfiction . net and the like have a way to search tags to see what you want.

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Not all of it is bad.

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I tried googling it once, had to go to confession and cleanse the sin.

Noah, get the boat.


The Shadowlands expansion looks like great fanfic. Mary Sue characters and all

Implying that BfA wasn’t a sordid perusal through someone’s livejournal?