Best pet for MM hunter with lone wolf

What’s the best pet to use for soloing quests, dungeons & raids ?

ferocity pet … gives you some leech and also helps it stay alive … also gives you bloodlust.
cunning… if you want movement speed but pet will die more often then ferocity
tenacity …never to be used in any spec imo

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Cool did they take the spell from hunter pets thats like rebirth for druids where it res’s players who die and the hunters pet can res those players ?

Yup, I use a scalehide (ferocity). Works well, especially in Torghast. You can lust at every floor’s last boss and it resets next floor.

As for dungeons and raids, dont use a pet as MM, unless you need to call your ferocity pet for lust.


When I’m solo questing in the world I like to use a fox with my MM hunter.

As a Cunning pet it gives the passive speed boost and with trailblazer talented you scoot around pretty quickly. Fox has a dodge ability too that helps it stay alive.

For groups i use a ferocity pet for the lust and leech. (edit - when I pull it out for lust - usually lone wolf in groups)

A good “tank” pet is ironically still ferocity = scalehides. You get the leech + lust + defensive shield on a 1 minute CD. The thunder liazrds don’t look too terrible IMO.

I do not use tenacity currently with my MM.


cool did they remove that spell from hunter pets that res’s players who die in groups or raids that like before ?

No, that ability no longer exists.

dang i hate how blizzard removed that ability :frowning:

Feathermanes if you can get one. I dont know how many times I’ve crossed half of Ardenweald or Rev on a single or double slowfall. Atleast, for world and solo stuff.

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