Best pet for dps

what pet does more dps or they all do the same just use what skill for the situation your in?

Pet DPS is normalized - you will usually run Dog in M+, Imp in Raid, VW in solo/open world


okay thx alot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just a daily reminder that we have little choices and the succubus is so useless ppl forget they exist. Can we have grimoire of sacrifice baseline and get over the whole demon thing?

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Maybe she can give the kiss of life and do a battle rez like hunters use to have with moths


I believe the “succ pet” still slows and has a nice cc for pvp openers and its really good for stopping a rogue burst.

Bears mentioning the Felguard for Demo is an exception to this. If you’re demo, that’s the only one you should ever run, outside very niche situations.

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very very true, appreciate the correction