Best partner for demon hunter

You know demon hunter. They zig they zag. They stun and break cc.

My wife plays a demon hunter. Exclusively. And I’m having a hard time finding a good fit to match.

At first it was dh dh. Fun. But held the same weaknesses.

Then hunter. Good. But too Dodgey never able to be there.

Then mage. Good old mage. Smh a mage doing his own thing.

Maybe I’m missing something with the classes I’ve tried. Maybe not. Please help me find a solid fit with her dh. I am an alltoholic and I don’t mind leveling.

If a demon hunter has a partner…have they REALLY sacrificed everything?


Warlocks i’d bet…

they hate each other, and one of them has a banish spell.


Make a warlock, of course. Tell people your “Enslave Demon” spell crit.


Rouge was good as partner in arena. Won most of the 2v2 healer comps I did. Pally,DK, or just about any healer. But the warlock partner would have cool lore. Demo lock with demon bff lol.


For what type of content?

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What do you mean by partner? Just someone to do dailies and other pve with or arena 2s partner?

Judging by Illidan, maybe a Warden like Maiev?

Go, druid. I have many good runs with a druid by my side. Able to keep up. Does alright aoe and can heal or tank.


All types even arenas

Druid! That’s what I play with my best friend while he’s on his DH. We’ve actually got two pairs of DH and Druids. He does the tanking or DPSing, I go Resto or Balance. :smiley:

Edit: we do PvE and RP


Hmmm interesting. I do like that if my wife doesn’t need a piece of gear that she auto gives that shizz to me.

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The obvious answer to a demon hunters partner is…

A demon huntress.




Yup! It works out pretty well. And if she runs ahead pulling all sorts of stuff, as Balance you can go Resto Affinity and toss on a couple HoTs, then AoE that all down! It’s been a pretty fun team, which is why we have two sets. Hehe.

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I say warlock. Best story I’ve ever had :face_with_monocle:


Monk if you want the opposing team to cry as they try to catch you


My brother mains an alliance demon hunter. He only plays havoc. I find my monk is a good teammate for him. Both have good mobility to keep up with each other. Plus a night elf and pandaren team is like a buddy cop film.

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The 2 posters above me have given the best answer.

As far as mobility goes, monk would be the best partner. Fun fact: monk is faster than DH
Healing wise and dps wise, both monk and druid are excellent choices.
Rdruid and MW monk are really strong in arenas(although it sucks being a healer in arena).
Druid would however give you the option to flex on rdps if you’re bored with being melee.

The only part that sucks with druid is the tank spec, guardian is the worst tank.

Other than that, my 3rd choice would be dk or warrior, but they’d be really slow.

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My GF mains a ret pally. Seems to be a great combo in normal questing, world/emissary quests, island expeditions, and warfronts.

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Yeah I’m gonna have to check those out!