Best paladin leveling spec

Just curious. Ive got a newborn so i cant do many dungeons. Which is the best for casual leveling? Ive heard prot is pretty good.


I’ve leveled ret and prot. imo i think ret is better for solo leveling.
Prot is good for aoe mob killing. it is slow and painful, but you are virtually invincible. You can tank elites better too.
It sucks when the mobs are spread out and you can only kill 1 or 2 mobs as prot and that is often.
Because you arent doing dungeons and a lot of mobs are spread out i think ret is best.

Unlike Vanilla & TBC, even Holy can solo level just fine & efficiently for Paladins in WotLK, since Holy is basically a “Shockadin” pocket side-spec as well. It can also solo some tough stuff, so minimal grouping needed for questing & such. Best to stick to plate (or mail) spell power gear though, instead of using any cloth/leather.

100% level as ret. Once you are lvl 21 it really picks up with seal of command, but for the most part the rotation is very simple and the spec has almost zero downtime :relaxed::+1:

Prot is great but not really until you can fill out the tree more and you get more stuff. Ret is great all the way through and maybe switch to prot (or not if you like ret) at level 40 or 50.

Ret is easily one of the best leveling specs in the entire game, and I’d highly recommend any casual Paladin to play it. Prot may be better in some situations, but those situations will be few and far in between.

Retribution has a very simple (but satisfying) playstyle with ridiculous cleave damage built in. It has basically infinite mana and insane self-healing. You’ll have access to more than enough self-healing and utilities that I really see no point in Prot, unless you intended to level by soloing dungeons. For Prot to make sense, you’d have to be able to pull a much higher number of enemies at once, and Retribution is basically already capable of pulling the maximum number of enemies in most areas before mobs start to de-aggro because of leash range.

As a Ret pally, it doesn’t matter whether you’re fighting 1 enemy or 10, you don’t need to change how you play or spec to AoE, unlike most other classes. On my Paladin, I will always try to pull at least 3-5 mobs because there’s so much cleave damage built into the regular rotation that it would be less efficient to single-target. And most of the time, I end combat with nearly full health and mana. With your CDs, you’re able to pull more like 8-12 mobs at a time without dying.

Hope this helps, friend!

Ret is great for leveling because of tbe cleave damage. Then you also eventually get better survivability with Art of War procs and then mana regen with Glyph of Seal of Command and Judgements of the Wise. So, you have a spec that have very little downtime, can do some healing on the go, and fight several mobs at once.

Just don’t expect to do much damage in raids once you do get to 80.

Ret 100% especially when you get seal of command. You can take on 3 mobs and kill them much faster than prot can. Mana is a crap head until later on so stack up on drinks.

First, grats on the newborn.

Second, level as ret. Ret might be the easiest leveling spec in the game at this point. You have a lot of cleave damage to go along with a lot of oh crap buttons. Perfect for a new father who might start dozing off at his computer :rofl:

Third, don’t let this game suck you in. Yeah, it’s fun, but spending time with your kid is way more important. Also, get some rest when you need it. Don’t use every nap as a break to play WoW.

Good luck

ret you get procs of instant heals and a aura to regain mana if done right you never have to stop as a ret pally.

you can quest in any spec the other 2 specs will be slower but defiantly doable.

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