Best Option for TBC Is lvl 58?

So, are you duplicating your gold also? Is there a limit to how many times you can create copies of your toons?

If you pass your gold to alts, can you then copy them over?


All existing servers are transitioned to TBC

Dont want to be TBC? Free transfers to ‘CLASSIC FOREVER’ servers so those players can continue on a smaller number of active servers
A handful of “O M G L E V E L 1 F R E S H” TBC servers are launched

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And you needed to repeat what I said to prove me wrong in some way?

If they’re planning on forcing people to choose which to play, most options containing transfers off classic, they’re admitting they’re killing off classic. Splitting the playerbase absolutely will do that.

How many people who want to continue to play classic will do so after they are forced to transfer to a new server and find a new guild?

I guess community means nothing to you.

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I voted the “create fresh @ 58 - separate servers fro classic/tbc” option


I have no idea what you mean by this. My point is that I don’t think creating copies of characters makes any sense.

Possibly. I don’t think that’s necessarily the only conclusion here, but I suspect that a lot of the Vanilla private server players would like to stay on Classic servers, while a lot of the non private server players (which I also suspect is a majority) would like to progress onto BC (maybe not with all characters. For example, in my case, I would like to start a fresh character for BC, and keep my Classic characters in Classic, and I hope I have that as an option).

I don’t know. I would imagine that a community of like-minded people could manage to coordinate transferring their guild to the same server.

don’t get off topic arguing semantics

Because this way there would be a natural progression from Classic Vanilla to Classic TBC while at the same time maintaining Classic Vanilla.

What negative impact would there be for me to keep my hunter in Classic Vanilla and having him to play through Classic TBC?

And why would it make sense to have TBC servers from zero? I guess having few “new” servers is fine. But ultimately TBC is continuation of Vanilla, not a standalone game. Coexistance of same characters in Vanilla Classic and TBC Classic allows for both classic games to exist while maintaining progression.

I’m not sure. I just don’t see the upside though. It could be difficult to manage how characters are duplicated, and also gold - unless each piece of in-game gold has its own unique identifier, which I doubt.

Because when BC initially launched there were some fresh servers, and transfers were not available for the first 60 days or 3 months, iirc.

While that is my personal preference, I am not advocating for forcing that choice on others. I think being able to choose whether to upgrade your Classic character to BC or not, and also having the option of rolling on a fresh server would be ideal.

One copy/transfer and only in first week of tbc servers open or one week from first xfer so you dont do gold and item duping.

Maybe they can just copy all the servers and start tbc. Big question who will stay in classic and not go to tbc. Maybe migrate all servers to tbc and open up a few classic servers is really the best option after naxx out. I do like the idea of fresh only tbc servers. Give them two monyh head start on the transfer/migrated servers.

I’d do it if it was the first time. I’m not going to level all my toons from 1 again and lose all that investment though, I’d rather stay on Classic. And I don’t even have multiple 60s yet, but I do have multiple 30s and a 40 and I assume that I will have at least 2-3 60s before TBC goes live. 0% chance I’m going to redo all that work if TBC is completely fresh.


That would likely be the most reasonable way to implement such a thing. Character identity would suffer, and the duplication doesn’t seem to make sense lore-wise, but hey, it’s a game… it just feels incredibly wrong to me, like asking for a free character boost.

Though, I suppose a level 58 starting point wouldn’t be much different. Either of those options feels somehow cheap or dirty to me, to be honest, but I can understand that people are going to ask for something if they want it.

I’m sure there will be quite a few people who would prefer to stay in Classic. Whether they would be asking for fresh servers, or be content to have a “completed” character, I suppose we will have to wait and see.

If there is an option for fresh BC servers with no available to transfer to them (coexisting with other servers where people who wanted to could transfer/upgrade, whatever), I’d choose the fresh BC server, so I wouldn’t be transferring or upgrading my Classic characters anyway.

If that isn’t an option, I would bring 1 character into BC, and leave the rest in Classic.

Yeah not starting a fresh character from scratch on a TBC server just so the handful of people wanting to get a 3rd alt 9/9 Tier 3 geared. The leveling doesn’t even change and a lot of equipment from Vanilla carries over into TBC if you raided, which the fresh TBC servers won’t be doing.

I’d rather them just pull the plug on it all than force that nonsense.

To heck with that.

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Level 58 option could be pretty fun if they let you play on the server for a couple months beforehand. That way belfs and dranei can catch up like you said and everyone else has the option to see how much they can get done in two months from MC - > Naxx.

I’d side with fresh TBC realms but start at 58.

I don’t want the economy to carry over.
It would make leveling new Alts much easier.
Hopefully helps with the ally population.

I’d reroll Ally if I started at 58 in a heartbeat.


I’d be more than okay with TBC doing a free 58 boost for any new characters. This allows people to skip the 1-60 zones that are incredibly played out at this point, as well as bring new people to TBC that didn’t play classic.


If we can’t transfer our classic characters - basically play the game how it was made in the past - you’re losing customers.

I have 2 60’s. I’m not doing this grind again.

LOL…you guys will argue about anything.

Bad idea. People earned their PvP titles and grew attached to the characters they spent days to gear and level. They deserve to keep their characters going into TBC if they choose. I agree that Classic realms and TBC realms should be totally separate, but I think the best thing for Blizzard to do is to clone the entire Classic server and copy that to the new TBC server and let players enjoy new TBC content on day 1 of launch. In addition to that, they should create new TBC realms where people can all re-roll on to begin the journey at level 1 if they choose.


I don’t think level 58 is the best option. That cheapens the experience for a lot of new players who’ve never played TBC before. There’s a real investment in your characters back then because it took time to level and to gear them. Belf pallies/draenei shaman all had to start at level 1 during TBC, since those new races/class combos were expansion features, so to let them start at 58 automatically (or anyone else) makes no sense.

The only sensible option IMO is to clone existing Classic servers to TBC servers on XX-XX-XXXX date, with everyone’s names, PvP titles, gear, progress, etc carrying forward, leaving existing Classic servers untouched. In addition, Blizzard should create fresh new TBC servers where all players there start at level 1 - like it was during TBC launch with the new servers.