Best must have hunter pets for Wild Call and all other things

So with all the rework to BM hunter and seeing alot of “what pets should i use”, or “what is the best pets to use with the Wild Call”, ect. I decided to compile a list of what i worked out personally and an in depth guide from all of the major WOW info sources to help out all my fellow hunters out there, since I havent seen a good source of what pets should I really need. So first time writing one of these so be gentle :rofl: Feel free to comment any additional 2 cents in comments so that i can try and keep this Thread current. So here we go…

You are going to want to put your main summoned pet in Call Pet slot #3, #4, or #5 that you are going to use as your BM main call pet and the other 2 pet families in Call Pet slot #1 and #2, to maximize BM’s new rework of Wild Call to get all of the hunter pet buffs, Movement Speed, Leech, and Stamina for the duration of Wild Call.

As Beast Mastery your secondary pet should always be an Undead pet. They don’t get polymorphed and as you may have experienced before with certain mobs if they are polymorphed you can’t Kill Command which is a huge DPS loss for us. It doesn’t happen a lot and not that many mobs do polymorphed but when they do this is completely avoidable to maximize your DPS in those situations.

We all know as BM if you have 2 pets, they better be match each other, what you’re rocking for your transmog, and match your mount. Look Good, Feel-Good l, DPS Good. Listed below are the ideal pets to get if you don’t already have them and how to align them for the spec and content that you are doing.

Example for BM for M+ or Raid Tenacity Pet

  • Tenacity Pet - Spirit Beast - Any - Main Pet - Call Pet slot #3, 4, or 5 -

Fortidude of the Bear and Spirit Mend will help our sustainability. If you need to be the groups Lust/Hero for M+ swap in Scourged Mamoth (Undead Pet ideally) as your Tenacity Pet with Dunegorger as your main pet for Mortal Strike or a Corehound ( you can squeeze a little extra damage with molten hide ) if your group has another MS, for your main pet. That set up will get you all the other buffs when you pop Wild Call.

Example for Marksman and Survival for Raid and M+ Tenacity Pet

  • Tenacity Pet - Direhorn, Hydra, Lizard, or Riverbeast - Call Pet slot # any

Any Direhorn, Hydra, Lizard, or Riverbeast will have a MS if your going to even use a Tenacity pet but should be a Ferocity pet for MM and Survival specs traditionally as the leech gain is way better for those specs compared to BM and our overall survivability.

Example for Beast Master, Marksman, and Survival for Raid and M+, PVP, Cunning Pet

  • Cunning Pet - Undead - Raptor - Reban - in Call Pet slot #1 or #2.

Reban is your #1 must have as he can be used in all hunter specs, has the Mortal Strike ability for healing mobs and players, works well for Wild Call Cunning Pet as he is undead and will not get polymorphed by mobs as well as for PVP in that respect, Speed buff, and Masters Call for immobilize. You can obtain him out of Kings Rest Dungeon off of the last boss King Drazar after you get him to 80%, he summons him. As our gear get even better and I dont think BFA content has been squished too much, yet you still want to be careful not to obliterate him because Reban I believe he will despawn if you kill him which I have not reconfirmed as of late because I already went in to solo that back in SL.

Example for Beastmaster spec for Raid and M+ Ferocity Pet

  • Ferocity - Undead - Devilsaur - Any - I use Dunegorger, any Undead Devilsaur will do - Call Pet slot #1 or #2.

Dunegorger Kraulok BFA world boss in Vol’dun or any of the other undead Devilsaurs in Nazmir Necropolis will be good for Ferocity MS pet. Swap with Scourged Mammoth If you are your groups Hero/Lust ideally so you have a non-polymorph able MS pet and a non-polymorph able Tenacity Pet for your Call of the Wild. Also, can munch up humanoids for an extra heal :grin:

Example for Marksman and Survival Ferocity Pet for M+ and Raid

  • Ferocity - Carrion Bird, Ravager, Scorpid, or Wasp - Call Pet slot #any -

Our best options would be a Carrion Bird, Ravager, Scorpid, or Wasp for a MS ferosity pet.

Now we get to our best PVE solo tank pets that we can obtain. These pets will all cover all aspects of what situational circumstances for what you are trying to accomplish. So, for example as Beast Master we have a couple options depending on content compared to the other specs, Marksman and Survival we have only one option.

Our best Pet tank as BM if the content is only hitting your pet will be a Clefthoof. They have a 60% auto DR ability and Blood of the Rino passive with more armor and healing received from Mend Pet and leech, aaannnddd Hero/Lust will make them our best option. Notable tame if you haven’t done the old Ring of Blood quest from Burning Crusade Nagrand area. I recommend getting Broken Toe. For some reason he seemed to do slightly more DPS after the first hunter pet normalization. IDK if this still remains to be true but he is the only model and is easy to get.

If you need to min/max your damage I.E. Add fight or DPS race and you or your pet are not taking massive damage from that you and your pet need extra heals, then a Core Hound will be your best viable option. Molten Hide ability will help hold agro for adds and add additional damage to mobs attacking your pet which translates to more leech heals for better pet sustainability.

If you find yourself taking way too much dmg a Spirit Beast will be your next option. While not the best tanking pet at all, keeping yourself alive better will make or break the encounter you’re trying to solo and with Fortitude of the Bear and Spirit Mend with a self-target macro can keep you in the good fight.

#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/target (Player Name)
/cast Spirit Mend

For Marksman and Survival, we only have one option and that would be Scalehide.

Next up we have some honorable mentions. These pets are more of a quality of life and very circumstantial. So first up is a Water Strider. The Water Walking personal hunter buff is nice for those out in the middle of nowhere rares and quests. There are a few dungeons that have some water where this could come in handy as well.

Next up we have a pterodactyl. This exotic hunter pet has a special Slow Fall hunter buff ability which is nice if you are not that great at timing your freefall disengages lol :grinning:


I need this for my own hunter. So I’m bumping this.

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I edited this a bit to update a few sugestions and incorporate some PVP and PVE aspects