Best mounts for Heritage Armor matching?

I’m in the process of leveling my allied races, and some core races to get heritage armor.

What would you say would be the best matches to a race’s heritage armor for both ground mounts and flyers?

Ground mounts, for the most part, I think the ones that are the racial mount for the allied race work well. I just unlocked my Mechagnome HA, and their “headless robo-chicken” works really well with it. Also as a resident of Colorado I like to think it is an homage to Mike the Headless Chicken, who lived for quite some time without most of his head.

My challenge is identifying a good flyer for each race and their heritage armor. The only one I’m even kinda happy with off the top of my head is the black drake for dark iron dwarves…

Tried the Xilywag ATV with my Mechagnome, its…ok.

Any other ideas?

The guild version of the Phoenix would work well for Void Elves.

[Reins of the Dark Phoenix]


Firey flyer from firelands for dark iron?

Nightborne got it pretty easy. For them I would suggest the Arcanist’s Manasaber.

You match your mog to your mount?

That is awesome, and I try to do the same, I’m so excited to hear this!

That’s all I had to add actually.

Stay safe! :mask:

Or Lucid Nightmare, once it can fly in Shadowlands.

Lightforged Warframe seems like a given for LFD.

Or the Leywoven Carpet.

Zandalari have any number of pterodactyls to choose from, though if you wanted to get fancy you could get the Skyscreamer from the Throne of Thunder meta achievement.

Kul Tiran… maybe the Dreadwake shop mount?

Vulpera could rock the Gyrocopter or the plane from RaF if you wanted to go the Ratchet angle, or get one of the new vulture mounts in 8.3.

Mechagnomes can ride a seagull because they’re both ridiculous.

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Well, it was actually invented for height.

Besides the legs, Mechagon had several other models of mounts.

Try to, anyways. I had blizzard nuke my old - and I mean old - account and now I’m back re-grinding after deciding to return, so my mount selections are somewhat thin, especially for flyers.

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So would the achievements mount from Firelands

For vulpera, you cant get better than the Uldum Accord rep mount.

The gnome heritage goes really well with that Gnome Purple mechobird mount:

Hmm… I never farmed that one. I’m going to have to do that! :wink:

I’ve wanted that one for my gnome for a while, but I promised myself I’d never subject myself to the Argent Tournament again.

This is what I use since I have all the heritage armors:
Blood Elf - Silvermoon Hawkstrider, Red Dragonhawk
Tauren - Thunderbluff Kodo, Grand Wyvern
Goblin - X-51 Nether-Rocket-TREME
Highmountain Tauren - Highmountain Thunderhoof and I don’t have a flying mount for them. They use eagles and currently there isn’t one for us. If my HMT wasn’t a Druid, I would probably use the Grand Wyvern or Grove Warden.
Nightborne - Arcanist’s Manasaber
Mag’har - Swift Frostwolf, Iron Skyreaver (my MO is using the Frostwolf version.)
Zandalari - Zandalari Direhorn, Kua’fon’s Harness
Vulpera - Captured Dune Scavenger, Waste Marauder

Dwarf - Ironforge Ram, Grand Gryphon
Gnome Gnomeregan Mechanostrider, Wonderwing 2.0
Worgen - Smoky Charger, Dusky Gryphon
Void Elf - Starcursed Voidstrider, Uncorrupted Voidwing
Lightforge Draenei - Lightforged Warframe
Darkiron Dwarf - Darkforge Ram, Rusted Proto-Drake
Kul Tiran - Kul Tiran Charger, Proudmoore Sea Scout
Mechagnome - Mechagon Mechanostrider, Aerial Unit: R-21/X