Best MOP Arena Class?

Just bought the heroic edition of MOP Classic and curious what to use my free level 85 boost on :thinking:

yea hey buddy classic is that way

yea hey buddy arena forums are this way

Rogue is solid, especially sub.

Lock, Mage, and Sp tho… big dogs

which healers the best? is it rdruid?

Play hpal/feral, never lose cuz symbiosis bubble. Laugh at warriors while denounce spamming and rebuking their healer.

How’s feral? I’m gonna miss Cata :sob:

Do you think they add RSS or Blitz to MOP?


also priest with spectral guise was insane


Holy paladin, hunter, or rogue.

Noone tell him about symbiosis

that would be the best thing they can do for pvp, period.

love that idea

guise is goated and symbiosis dispersion on feral is gg

Tell me all the secrets plz

I’ve heard that symbiosis druid specs and cascade priest were both really fun!

I played 1v2 arena as Guardian Druid. Man, MoP truly was a great time :smiley: