Best matching mounts and pet for Tauren Heritage armor?

I have crippling ocd when it comes to transmogging so not only does my gear and weapon have to 100% match but my pet, ground mount and flying mount have to match as well.

I just went from my old mog to the Tauren heritage mog and have started my days-long quest to find a pet and mounts. What do you guys think?

Can’t go wrong with a Kodo.


And why not go for the praire dog that it’s sold only in Thunder Bluff?

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The PvP kodo mount is what comes to mind first. The boar mounts without armor could possibly work :man_shrugging:t3:

Wyverns are also closely connected to the Tauren. Although there’s only 2 HD wyvern mounts, unfortunately.

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WIth your DK, I think the Grey Riding Yak would look really good. As far as a flying mounts, the Cenarion War Hippogryh could work. But, The Grand Wyvern looks best in my opinion. other ground mounts that match. Alabaster Hyena (I dont have a Dune Scavenger, but that might look better), Hawkstrider, Swift Red Hawkstrider, Ivory Hawkstrider Swift White Hawkstrider, Blonde Riding Yak, Great Brewfest Kodo, Great Brown Kodo, Great Gray Kodo, Swift Brewfest Ram, Trained Icehoof(again with you being a DK) I dont have any of the Tallstrider mounts, but you can somewhat suppliment those with the hawkstrider mounts.

As for a pet I have the Wind Rider Cub which works really well. There are several eagles also that would work. So many options for pets

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Here’s one suggestion: Spirit of Eche’ro

“The spirit of Huln Highmountain’s pet moose.”

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Since they updated them recently this isn’t a bad idea, they are actually kinda cute now instead of horrifyingly angular.

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It’s been 2 years

He mighta found a weapon by now bud

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Now this is necroposting!

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