Best lookings hunter transmogs

so, im looking to get back into transmog hunting, mostly so i have something to do besides pug keys and raids. so i have decided to start transmog farming again

my question, what do you think are some of the better looking transmogs out there, be it sets or just random pieces. being a mail class we dont seem to have many good looking tramsmog pieces around. i can prob count them all up on one of my troll hands

so, what pieces do you lot like, think i should try and farm for and note where to farm them from. this being for both amour and weapons

The nighthold set is very nice.

Otherwise I just mash shaman sets together and pray.

Lately, half naked is my style

oh god… nighthold. i still get ptsd flash backs by running it every week for the 2 mounts

it dose have some nice lookin gear tho, some of the class only ones are nice. same with leather