I currently have an undead (but I also have an undead warlock and dk) so I’m going to race change him. I’m thinking Blood Elf, maybe Nightborne male. What looks good on Horde for a shadow priest? Going male. P.S. I already have a Blood Elf Mage and didn’t want to double dip with races and classes but I am open now.
I personally like the Undead aesthetics the most, specially for a Priest I just think it’s a cool combo so in your place I’d keep the undead priest and re-roll one of the others…
That said if you are set on the Priest being the one that changes I think you could go Troll for a more vuhdoo type of approach, or maybe Dractyr Priest would be cool too, it will become available next patch I think.
Goblin is generally a good choice for Priest too but I’d say that one is less about the fantasy and more about rocket jump.
Undead. No contest
undead looks the best, but it got the worst racial.
Undead is classic priest aesthetic.
That said I’m a big fan of goblin in a lot of the sets, and female troll looks amazing in most of the sets.
I REALLY like Zandalari. Perfect size character model.
Nightborne for now, but when Dracthyr come out I’m switching because you can keep your human form in combat and the wings animation with shadow/void form look impressive.
Oh cool didn’t think of this. So you don’t have to look like a dragon in combat then? wow. I was about the pull the plug on Blood Elf again. I do want to look good in cloth armor. Undead does not - but it works for my Warlock. Nightborne does too.
Belf will always look good, but since the introduction of Void elves that are an exiled group of elves because of their researchs on void magic makes me feel weird being Belf and Spriest…
Good options for me for shadow priest races in order:
- Undead
- Zandalari (Male)
- Nightborne (Female)
- Orc/Maghar (Male)