Best loa per class?

okay, so… i’m a bit late on the zandalari-train, but what’s the best loa per class? currently starting a pally too so a little advice would be helpful.

Iirc, a lot of people pick Pa’ku for the chance at Crit.

I forget the others, I remember some pick Kimbul but I forget what his gives.


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pretty sure it’s the one who gives you extra crit for pretty much every class. maybe for leveling you could go with Bwonsamdi for the chance to just deal an extra burst of shadow damage, but it isn’t that big of a boost.

also unless theyve changed it, the cooldown on swapping Loa is very very long so be aware of that

gonk gives a tiny speed buff, kimbul gives a chance at a bleed, pa’ku is a crit buff (also is the first one you start with), uhh… i ‘think’ akunda gives a health one… or maybe it was krag’wa? confused again…

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Yea I’d say keep rocking out with Paku

your telling me my pally will need crit?

I’m not telling you that you need to do anything.

I’m just offering my suggestion that most people pick Pa’ku


Akunda for healers
Pa’ku or Kimbul for damage dealers

I bookmarked this cause the shrines are alll over. Luckily, your racial glider is very useful in aiding not getting killed.

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more like the other Loa buffs just aren’t as strong as the crit buff, since they are all “chance to activate” and not some on demand buff

i know, i know, i just… don’t get the need for crit on a pally.

The crit one is nice because it is still useful if you play multiple specs.

Personally, I went with Kimbul on my survival hunter here. I found it useful to have that extra bleed - especially for PvP.

If you dont like the crit one, then go with the Kimbul for a bit extra damage.



definitely going with kimbul. sounds more useful… also, is the loa of paladins in hearthstone, so it makes sense thematically too. thanks for the help! :slight_smile: :croissant:

sorry if i came across as snarky earlier, was just confused is all.