Best Laptop for WoW 2024

So in my current situation, I have little to no room to set up a computer (RIP) thus use a laptop.

However my current laptop is falling a part & on its way to the light … That light being fire, cause it heats up a significant amount too now :grimacing:

So! :clap: I searched online but was bombarded with outdated threads or a high magnitude of ads :sob: Anyway, thought I’d come to ask the forums on what you guys believe would be the ideal gaming laptop in 2024

Feel free to post:

  • Best gaming laptop irrelevant of price
  • Best gaming laptop for best price
  • Best of all worlds
  • And simply put, even your own opinion of what gaming laptop YOU believe is best. :slight_smile:

Thanks :v: :blush:

Waiting for next Gen CPUs and GPUs since they are most likely all dropping in 2024.

50 series Nvidia will blow all 40 series out of the water. Anything you buy now will leave you with Heavy buyers remorse. If the rumors are correct it will seem like a 2-3 generational jump. From what I have heard the 5070 will wipe the floor with the 4090 if that gives you some context. GDDR7 will be a HUGE jump.

Both AMD and intel should also drop next Gen CPUs this year which should also be a pretty big leap in both performance and efficiency. So now is not the time to buy ANY PC Parts.

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Thankyou Shiftydruid for your sincere answer & warning. :blush:
I will heed it & hope the new generation of laptops arrive soon (Well … :sweat_smile: at least before my one kicks the bucket). :slight_smile:

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They normally release at the same time and sometimes the the mobile parts on CPUs at least come out before the desktop. But there is no formula to this anymore and there hasn’t been since covid.

The industry is constantly changing and the way they do things is constantly changing. Well I can tell you what total certainty is you really want to find a way to make two until next gen Parts drop.

I would subscribe to Jarrod’sTech on youtube which unlike Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed; Jarrods Tech deals with mostly laptops so that may be a YouTube channel you want to follow so you know when these parts are dropping. Jarrod will also compare the new parts in the new laptops when they come out to the older one so you will have benchmarks to go off of.

As far as brand of laptops that I would go with these days the Lenovo Legion and it is absolutely fantastic and I love mine. So if you follow Jarrod’s Tech watch his Lenovo Legion videos. Another good thing about the legion laptops is they have a mux switch. Which means you can use just the Nvidia GPU and completely disabled the igpu on the CPU which gives you better performance.

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