Which laptop cooling pad is best? I have heard of the IETS GT500. I want the RPG one but it’s not in stock. Which is V2(HUB), but I’d get the v1 (HUB) or S2 one. Is this the best or is there better? Just looking for a new cooling device ^^
My laptop is an ASUS ROG Strix G15 Advantage Edition
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Look at the bottom of your laptop vents and have the cooling pad fans line up with it. Some I looked at didn’t so I didn’t think it would’ve cooled as well.
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I just purchased the IETS GT500… People with the Strix series laptops saw a 10c-20c difference. The hot air vents on side and air can go thru the bottom ^^.
I’m surprised. All the laptop coolers I had in the past did very little.
Usually having the laptop elevated and on flat non carpet surface was enough cooling. Maybe manufacturers are starting to use the chassis as a heat sink like MacBooks
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I am too. I did alot of research and was curious what the WoW community had to say about it. But I’ll definitely let y’all know how it does from my end ^^.
I saw that video. Then he tried the IETS GT500 and he saw a difference. Thank you for sharing the video because some cooling pads definitely make it worse or a huge difference.