I am tired and I need a bed for the night. It’s been a long week too.
That one that lets you log out instantly and get some rested.
boralus harbor inn.
halfhill one is good too.
The Scarlet Raven in Darkshire.
ill be real with you.
nighthold inns are pretty snazzy.
great wine too.
The Alliance Inn at Ashran.
The Goldshire inn of course.
Goldshire Inn, come on it’s a no brainer. Despite the controversy that surrounds it on certain realms, it is an iconic place in Warcraft. From the South Park episode to the horrors witnessed on MG, to the beautiful music and being one of the first places many of us saw when first getting into the game. There’s no competition.
The Aspirant’s Stretcher toy can be used as a bed. Also, the Garrison Lunarfall Inn is has a cozy bedroom with its own bar, Innkeeper and and is practically a tavern like the ones in Darkshire and Elwynn. You also get a lot of pets and hidden toys as a reward while levelling it and doing the quests in it.
The Garrison herb garden cottage also has a warm bed and fireplace as well as fresh flowers and a little pug (poochie) who keeps you company.
Surwich (right next to the Blasted Lands) also has a really dark, moody feel to it at the Inn there. It’s quiet and remote so a perfect place to stay when you want to escape the drudgery of all the noisy cities and get away from other players for a while.
The inn @ Tarren Mill, or really any Forsaken inn. They have the best inn music. Soothing.
The inn in Moonglade is incredibly peaceful. I think the one in Rustberg Village in Tol Barad has more character, but you might need to kill some mobs to get in.
It’s the shrines in the Vale and every other answer is wrong.
Is this a trick question?
slips into assless chaps
IK it’s in Drustvar. There’s a bunch of animals around with a spirit deer/stag as the innkeeper, but only Druids can make it their home. Unfortunately, its name escapes me
I like Lakeshire’s in, it’s calming and nice (:
The first time I heard the pandaria inn music I thought an ad was playing in the background on my browser. I was so confused.