Best hunter PvP spec currently

So I keep hearing how wizard/spell cleaves are very strong right now…
Does that mean survival as the dominant PvP spec has changed to BM or MM?
I’m really interested to know if ranged hunter specs are now becoming more desireable because I’ve never played survival well outside of Bgs.

Also, side question… when and how did casters make such a powerful comeback over melee?

survival (its meta)

I’d say Survival, but Jelly runs MM Thug, and I ran MM Scatterplay to almost 2k, was actually kinda fun.

If what I’ve read is correct, and spellckeaves are the new meta, why would survival still be meta?

Still waiting on confirmation on how wizards became so strong recently

its honestly just Fire mages and Destro Locks being over represented.

Spriest has strong presence but isn’t meta warping.

Every other caster even moonkin are under stuff like arms wars for rep

I feel like BM might pull ahead it’s not as bad as everyone says and playing survival into wizards is horrendous


Also building in that I still feel like MM is too q dependant overall to do well. I think bm is the safer pick of 3 bad choices


Decided to que cupid tonight as mm around 1800
First game destro war pally
2nd game destro war druid
3rd game destro spriest druid
4th game destro ele pally
5th game destro firemage pally
6th game dk spriest druid
7th game destro ele druid
8th game holy priest demo lock war
9th game destro frost mage pally
10th game destro ele pally
11th game destro ele monk
12th game ret destro druid
13th game mm hunter rogue monk
14th game dk war pally
15th game ww dh druid
16th game dh ret druid
17th game war dk pally
18th game rogue mage druid
19th game destro arcane mage druid
20th game spriest destro pally
21th game rogue destro druid
22nd game prot pally ret pally WW not sure why this lol.
23rd game arcane mage ele druid
24th game ww mw dk
25th game destro spriest monk.

And we stopped.

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Marks isn’t meta because it has some core-level problems with its non-damage kit. It’s basically what fire mage would be without roots, shimmer, db, temp, cauterize, etc.


Of 3 bad choices haha. Yea I figured if wizard are becoming over popular that survival would make a person want to poke their eyes out. I thought MM would be powerful against a spell cleave though.

you’re right in saying that, I just feel as if BM is a safe bet as MM isn’t going to be fun into non caster/plate teams

it would be powerful, if they didnt have so much freaking spamable 0 counterplay CC. soon as you land a trap mortal coil fear fear fear shadowfury.
Then after your on fear dr you spend all game running from infernal bolts, untill you get coiled into the open and 1 shot.


Lol… why did I even stop playing my destro lock when 8.1 dropped?
This whole forum is making me feel lost on what to play haha

all hunter spec do big damage can ppl atleast admit that much is true

i love that i dont have to make hunter threads anymore thanks team


Mechanically it’s SV. It’s a very strong spec. However it also needs to play to win in order to do very well, and as the game pace is incredibly slow it will simply not perform in the way it needs to.

Because of this you’re in kind of an odd situation.

Play the mechanically solid SV hunter, or play MM which is pretty flawed but at least can sit on pillars and has good damage vs non plate targets (unfortunately destro warlocks fall under this category so while being able to sit at a pillar forever would be good against them they would never really die vs you)

If meta changes at all and game pace is faster SV would be fine, it’s biggest issue is that it’s a specced designed to do well when it’s playing while ahead but once it’s playing from behind you might as well leave an arena - and since things are too slow you’re kinda useless


Sorry I’m kinda of behind as I haven’t played much in 8.1…but what is forcing arena to be so slow? I thought the mana nerf for healers would have sped games up?
What is considered playable/good currently then (outside of destro locks and fire mages)?

Mana nerf didn’t do much as basically the entire meta was based around super tanky specs that just don’t take damage and are really forgiving

By nerfing mana regen basically those are now even stronger and are essentially the only types of comps you can play

The strongest Classes are Destros, DKs, DHs, WWs and Resto Druids. These classes have very high defensive capabilities, sustained dps, and therefore are really effective.

On top of that game pacing is very slow because with the new season starting health pools have risen. However, even though health pools have gone up, dps levels have stayed almost exactly the same. This pretty much means that the potential for comps to kill has gone down significantly and it deters any offensive play. Essentially the best win conditions are spamming damage and not dying.

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the best hunter spec is havoc
the other one doesn’t exist anymore


Give BM a try. Can LOS most wizards damage, do decent dps, and kite melee cleaves better than marks.

BM is the least terrible of 3 bad specs in this current garbage meta.