Best hunter pet guides?

Just looking for recommendations from experienced players on which guides y’all found to be best to follow with training your pet. The whole pet training aspect to hunter I am new to, and I don’t want to mess it up.

Thanks for any advice at all ahead of time!!

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Petopia has been the best resource I have found for learning skills and information

They have a tbc dedicated site with all the information you need.


Yeah, Petopia is where it’s at

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There’s not a ton of messing up you can do, but the problem lies with there being only 3 stable slots, so id get 1 dedicated pet you really like, leave a slot open for taming new pets for abilities, and having 1 flex spot of pets you want to try out and play around with but aren’t attached to.

I’ve heard that Ravenger is like the go to DPS pet during TBC. So should that be my main go to pet, and then outside of that I can tame other pets to learn their abilities and the. Subsequently train my Ravenger go to pet those abilities? Sorry I haven’t checked petopia. yet I’m currently working and just posting this on my phone to check whatever is recommended after work. I’m sure there’s som sort of list that refers to the “needed” abilities to learn for the most optimal dps for raiding.

Save you a lot of hassle…

Ravager = BIS DPS
There is no argument Gore/bite is the best focus dump and the ravager has the offensive stats to match. There is plenty of proof for this.
Wind serpents are a dps loss without extremely high crit and even at 50% crit are negligible at best.
Just get the Ravager unless you want to try way too hard to optimize the wind serpent for way too little or no reward.

Scorpid = arena sting protection
Basically just used to protect viper sting in arena. BM pvp would still use a ravager in many cases.
BGs it doesn’t matter since they’re not ranked. Just go with what makes the most sense for your spec.

Bat/Owl = Screech Pet for grinding
Screech is very useful for just mob grinding because it reduces AP in aoe, has higher TPS because the aoe AP debuff also generates threat.
You’ll still rip threat often but not as much and you’ll find chaining mobs to be easier/more efficient.
Also EXTREMELY annoying in pvp as BM. Giant red screeching flying wings all over the place obnoxious thing is not to be under estimated.

Cat = Prowl pulls
Basically only have a cat if you specifically need to use eyes of the beast to prowl past mobs and pull.
Right now this is primarily just used to pull the last boss in slave pens to do solo runs/kills. Overall viability of slave pen runs also uncertain at the moment.

Honorable Mention:
Boars = Big Glow Up with Gore
Boars having gore/bite focus dump and charge make it a worthwhile pet to experiment with but probably not to keep long term.
Although it’s stats are defense focussed it can still do good damage and charge is a nice opener for threat or slowing something down.
Boars are still out performed in dps and tps but it is still viable and a unique pet to use for sure.

Our pets were standardized in TBC which is huge but that is about it.
Most pets still don’t have proper focus dumps, bad stats, and/or won’t have their unique utility abilities added until Wrath.

You can try a pet that I didn’t list but you’ll have to understand that you’ll be taking a performance loss in doing so.

Your best bet is to get…

  1. Ravager for DPS
  2. Scorpid for Arena Sting Protection
  3. Either…
    Bat/Owl for Open World Grinding
    Cat for Specific Solo Clear Pulls

Good luck.


Daddyman’s post is great for what pet to pick, in short: yeah you’ll want a ravager.

How to get pet abilities: Go out and tame a pet that has the ability / rank you want.

For instance: Tame a bloodaxe worg from LBRS for rank 8 of bite, which is the current highest rank we can get (when tbc launches, you can get rank 9 from dreadfang widows in terokkar forest)

Have that tamed pet use the ability and, eventually you’ll get a message saying that you’ve learned that ability. You can now get rid of that new pet if you don’t want to keep it, get your ravager out of the stables, and (provided you have the TP for it, and your pet is high enough level to learn it) teach your ravager the new ability (in this case, bite rank 8)

wow-petopia has a list of every pet ability and what to tame to learn it.

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Don’t worry about getting a ravager right at this moment. The only ones available during prepatch are very low level and will require a fair bit of effort to get to 60.
I encourage people to chill and just get the pet skin that looks the best to you since you’ll be with them for all of TBC…

For this last week of prepatch just get either a owl/bat as your primary for strong TPS. Monstrous Bat in EPL and Winterspring Screecher have highest rank screech right now.

Then go around and tame the pets you need to learn the max rank of their focus dumps. Like gore/bite/claw/screech/dash/dive/poison sting.

You don’t need to learn the ranks in order, just lookup who has the highest available rank. And don’t worry too much about taming ones in dungeons like the wolves in LBRS for Bite. You’ll have access to learn better rank early on in Outland with way less stress.

Once you have that foundation just tame a Ravager naturally as you level in Outland. And as said above just get whichever one looks best to you. It doesn’t matter if you tame it at level 62 or at level 70. Just as long as you get a ravager with full ranks by the time you do heroic dungeons you’ll be fine.

With those 2 pets save the third slot for getting max rank in the skills you need and then decide on your final line up.


I can’t thank you enough for all this info seriously. I’m gonna go get myself an owl cause I like the idea of that over a bat and I‘ll level with that during our lands to 70 while taking other pets for the important abilities you listed:

bite/claw/screech/dash/dive/poison sting

This is literally exactly all the info I wanted. Then after that I’ll just pass on the knowledge to my Ravenger I eventually get for 70 pve content!

Eventually I’m going to go Survival towards the end of the expansion for raiding cause my guild has 3 other hunters, and one of us needs to nominate to go Survival so I signed up for that.

Does this have any impact with my pet of choice or do you happen to have any advice in this area?

the owl is “easy” to get (for alliance anyway)…not easy to keep it seems.

The level 50+'s are right there by the fel wood top most flight point.

MIne ran away last night though after about an hour of grind. And yes I was feeding them. Lost a few silver on that thing on the good meat I was feeding them.

Pet’s are the same regardless of spec. BM just makes your pet stronger.

That said, proper pet management is going to be more important than having the best pet.

Remember being the best means nothing if you’re dead. Same goes with pets in BC. Even with resistance and avoidance abilities and passives, your pet is still going to be easily killed if caught in boss aoe.

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Thank you for the tip! I always try to mend pet or have them follow if I see them in trouble. If you can refer me to any cool guides with really helpful pve macros that’d be awesome cause clicking the pet spells is really annoying me hahaha.

For survival, you may want to think more about utility pets for raiding. (Generally the survival hunter will bring any utility pets as with fewer pet buffing talents, they lose less with lower dps pets.) Sometimes the AP debuff from owls/bats/carrion birds can be useful, but some tanks really don’t like the flappy screechy thing in their face. (Which is understandable.) That’s something to talk to your raid about, though, and see if there are any pet-specific buffs they may want you to have available. (Otherwise, ravager.)

I wonder if the old Warcraft Hunters Union will ever reform. They had an awesome site with a wealth of information

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