Best hunter pet for Mythic+

Title^^ just wondering what the best hunter pet is. if one at all

Pretty sure it is whichever pet brings both lust and dispel. You can check out petopia to look at the combination of pet abilities.

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After first lust I switch to spirit beast for the heal and dr.


I use a specific bat called Rendrak (his actual in game name) for PVE. He can lust, dispel, and provides 10% leech.


I run with a mage who brings timewarp so I use a spirit beast in mythic +. On higher keys /certain affixes I find survival of the fittest very useful. Plus the dispel is a must.


Dispel is a must. If you need to bring lust, that would be a Nether Ray or Bat. If you don’t need to bring lust, or it’s on cooldown and you have time to switch (don’t switch mid-fight, only between packs), tenacity is the way to go. For BM, Spirit Beast is wildly ahead in that regarding, having both the dispel and a free ally-targetable HoT equivalent in power to Exhilaration every 30s. For MM, that’s a Stag or Crane (or no pet, but the dispel is arguably worth the small DPS loss).

The only other pet that’s an honorable mention is one of the defensive CD pets (specifically, the ones with the 60s CD 50% DR ones, like a turtle or beetle, because the 60% DR one cannot be manually activated), which can be used to taunt a mob off the tank for soaking debuff stacks or letting a tank’s stacks reset, with the pet’s defensive used to keep it alive through the hit. This requires coordination with the tank, though, so don’t just use it willy-nilly or you’ll give the tank an aneurysm.


Spirit Beast hands down, the extra healing is incredible useful plus it gives you a purge, extra HP and a defensive.

All pets do the same damage. You choose your pet for its utility.

Here’s a pretty good guide in general
You want either Tenacity Pet with Purge ability or a Ferocity Pet with Purge ability.

  • Ferocity pets give you the Primal Rage ability which is a Blood Lust/Time Warp CD and 10% Leach.
  • Tenacity pets give you an extra defensive CD + 5% more health

The Purge ability has a different name for each pet that has it but they all do the same thing: remove 1 magic buff or enrage buff from an enemy target. They are a must have during “Raging” affixes since it will purge that enrage. The CD is 10 seconds on this ability its fairly useful.

The Ferocity Pets with Purge abilities are Bats or Rays. If you need the Lust ability or just don’t need the defense these are a good choice.

For BM’s take Spirit Beast as the Tenacity pet with purge because it also gives you a heal ability on a 30 sec CD. For me, it heals approx 10% of my health over 10 sec’s. Pretty good deal.

For non-BM’s take a Crane or Stag as the Tenacity pet with purge.

You can switch pets as much as you want in a M+.

Wat. Mine heals for literally a third of my HP.

Spirit beast and drums, even better if you have leatherworking and just use the Mallet so you don’t ever have to buy or make them.

Note that this only really works until SL. Drums in SL are nerfed to only 15%, half the strength of Bloodlust. But then, in SL, Spirit Mend is being nerfed by 2/3rds and we’re getting the purge as a native ability (Tranquilizing Shot), rather than a pet family ability, so Spirit Beasts will also be losing a fair chunk of their potency in SL at the same time.

Im trash so I play feroc for lust and when thats on cd I run loque for spirit heal and hp buff. Spirit heal can be nasty, ive had it crit on tanks for 100k and clutched the boss and made a timer.

Yeah, I hear rumblings about them being nerfed in SL, but until then using them is the way to go (assuming you can afford them or have leatherworking and use the mallet which is what I do). The 5% loss I feel is negligable compared to having to stop and swap pets each time you need to lust, but honestly it’s more a matter of preference in most cases.

Touching on the changes in SL, I am not fully aware of everything that is happening yet but from the bits that I have heard it sounds like they are making some bad changes to us hunters unfortunately. The pet rez change is bad enough as it essentially will make it so that we aren’t even an aferthought for pvp. I really hope they change the time on that.

I generally use a spirit beast and change it for a ferocity one for a boss fight if we need lust.

Do you do mythics as survival?

get a sporebat

it shoots fire from it’s sphencter that incinerates rogues, and it’s man parts hit bosses for a billion damage


so use Spirit Pulse when not on lust, how this better than the now 15% leech if it only purges the effect from “itself…” ? am i missing something here?

This thread is over a year old. The answers here are probably no longer relevant.

This, there is no one pet, its how you use them in combination, in pretty much all content

As lazyguide mentioned the thread is 1 year old and was specific to the way the game was in Battle for Azeroth (the last xpac).

Spirit Shock and similar abilities were changed from BFA to Shadowlands and the ability to dispel enemy buffs was moved to the Hunter’s Tranquilizing shot. Also, leech doesn’t really benefit BM hunters. It only heals the unit that does the damage and for a BM hunter the majority of the damage is actually done by the pet and not the hunter. It keeps the pet alive but doesn’t do much for the hunter, but your pet doesn’t do the tanking in dungeons/raids and pet survivability isn’t usually important.

After the Shadowlands nerfs to the Spirit Beast’s spirit mend healing ability the “best dungeon pet” isn’t as clear cut. Personally I still prefer the spirit beast in dungeon and raids because

  • auto stealth makes it much less likely to pull mobs accidentally. Pets can pull mobs by getting too close and you can’t really control the paths they take
  • tenacity family benefits to hunter: 5% more health for you and Survival of the Fittest defensive CD (20% dmg reduc over 6 secs)
  • it can still heal you. 1k up front + 3k over another 10 secs, almost 10% of my health on a 30 sec cd.

It’s more personal preference now. To each their own.

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