After taking my Timerunner Kalimdor Troll Shaman through her heritage series of quests, I’m going to say it, by far the best on yet.
It scaled up to my level (70 at the time I took it.)
It was no simple Congrats, here’s your armor. I actually leveled to 73 by the time I was done with it.
Beautifully done troll lore.
It’s really far ahead of the rest of the pack, although the Forsaken one comes the closest. And I’m satisfied mostly with the Night Elf heritage series as well, but the Troll one knocks it out of the park.
The night elf series was kinda lame, but I do not consider it the real heritage chain. The real one was the entire patch it came with, up to and including the arrival of Bel’amth on Azeroth and the whole neat after party thing.
It even came with its own unique coloration of the heritage armor at the end.
I gotta disagree if only because I think it’s immensely stupid that troll regeneration is tied to a Loa. Let them just have something from their own merit that isn’t granted to them by a god. Not to mention one that looks like a podling of all things.
Should have kept those on Draenor.
That aside, I’d say my top 3 goes in this order.
Excluding allied races who just get theirs for getting to a particular level (which used to be some kind of a commitment), worst is nelf.
I’d say worst is Tauren, actually, because they used it as a Shadowlands prequel that got retconned in the xpac it was a prequel for… though the Baine quest chain in DF is a pretty solid followup.
Draenei and orc are very similar and both excellent. I put draenei ahead simply because it did some of the necessary legwork to fit playable Man’ari eredar into this setting while not letting that totally dominate the narrative of the quest.
It’s the only heritage quest that I’ve done twice. It also has some small dialog variants if you’re using a Man’ari eredar skin.
Draenei one is the best and it really isn’t a contest. Blows every other one out of the water.
Darkspear, Forsaken, and blood elf are up there too just not quite on that level.
Orc one had a cool party at the end but the rest of the questline I don’t think was anything special.
Goblin and human were Fine. I did like how human made use of their racial.
Gnomes and dwarf completely forgettable but inoffensive.
Night elf, worgen, and tauren, lmfao. I actually agree that tauren had it worst of all because their questline got wasted on Shadowlands foreshadowing instead of actually being a heritage thing.
I thought about that but tauren actually had some fun individual flavor of having a specific ancestor/animal spirit guide for your character. It came very close to beating out nelves but to me nelves is just… a nothingburger.
The entire thing is wildly forgettable, but let me try and recall what happened.
You go into a random corrupted Barrow Den in Felwood (I think the initial questgiver had a quest there in Cata which is why she’s back?)
Oh good a slow “follow the NPC” stage to the quest
Now we’re listening to a teenage elf with a goofy mustache and haircut yammer about how he’s been through bad stuff to make Maiev sympathetic to him
Fight a dreadlord at the bottom. “Rocks fall, everyone’s supposed to die” moment so the mage can make a portal for them to escape
Maiev does a 180 on her opinion of the mage
They give him tattoos on the spot (You’d think they would go back to civilization and use proper tools instead of random things you found in a fel-infested forest). Note: Maiev inks a full face tattoo in like 3 seconds. She is apparently a super tattoo artist
Mage-boy is a Sentinel now I guess?
The whole message of it felt like “let’s get rid of societal facets that makes night elves unique and instead conform to human-like homogeny”. It wasn’t a celebration of what makes night elves what they are (see: Orc and Draenei questlines), it was kinda the opposite with some randos and Maiev.
(And no one mentions what Maiev did in that one novel.)
I would have loved to see something loosely similar to what orcs and draenei got. Goodness knows there’s enough strands of kaldorei to bring together, but I guess they kinda got that with the post-Amirdrassil quests. As such, it sorta feels like that’s the actual heritage questline.
Orc heritage was one massive fest of doubling down on Durotar as the new Orc home and not even trying to give Nagrand a chance. When all RTS legends are dead and the city looks like dung you can tell the modern Orcs have nothing going for them anymore. Draenei was a celebration of their culture since it actually touched on all Eredar subgroups and gave hope by building an actual shining city on Azeroth that is worthy of the name. Even my favorite NPCs Aesom and Maladaar were featured.
Its a B tier quest, like really, it was not that great, Loas you see are “meh” while you could have see cool loas like i dont kow…DAMBALA!!! who was the loas of the darkspear trolls since warcraft 3?!!
Also…where is vol’jin man?
And there is a big problem, all of this quest, to end up doing what? Exactly what happenned in vanilla, just you replace Zalazan with that troll Mueh’zala worshiper…
No its not a top tier quest, the draenei one was S
Night Elf was by far the worst.
Problem with horns aside, i think the armor is great, and it is the one that the draenei had on their TBC artwork, i am glad we got this, instead of a yet another paladin plate armor…
If you remove the helmet I actually think the draenei armor looks really good. That’s also how I feel with the worgen one’s shoulders.
But there’s probably something to be said about “it’s good if you remove this part of it”.
Honestly my least favorite armor is the night elf one. I get what they were going for to look like the druid in the Classic cinematic but I just don’t think it looks good. Second least is orcs but that’s personal taste I just don’t like the orc aesthetic at all.
I hate the belt too and it’s hard to find a replacement belt. But that’s more just I hate all the WWE champion style belts Blizzard keeps making for some reason.
Allied races got shafted on their quests, so nightborne, lightforged, dark iron, zandalari, mechagnomes, maghar, highmoo, and void elves are out.
Draenei was excellent even if it left a bitter taste in my mouth with my gut instinct telling me blizzard will be hellbent on whitewashing hellbleater culture out of existence. That little tidbit of course is completely off set by the fact that yes, they are actually getting their own capital city at some point.
My second place is tied with orcs and trolls. I loved both quests, as it finally made sure that certain characters that had basically been non existent since vanilla are finally at the forefront. My only real complaint is that the orc heritage quest all but confirmed a few of my favorite Mag’har tribes are utterly extinct now (rip my bois, Laughing Skull and Burning Blade). Lantressor is a poor mans Mankrik, who is a poor mans Samuro.
The absolute worst quest is by far the Worgen.
Further lobotimizing my favorite antagonist faction and a graceless transfer of power, with a completely unusable city that pales to its former glory, with a mount that is a tongue in cheek yiffing reference.
I thought the tauren heritage quest was bad and then you guys came out and blew us out of the water.