If I want to mostly heal groups as I level, which class? Priest, druid, palle or others? Thanks in advance. Or is there a thread on this I missed?
Priest is the best
the others are all viable though.
I believe priest and druid are easier healers in the beginning of leveling. Pally starts to shine in the later levels. Not say pallies are bad at the lower levels but priests and druids have more spells to use. I am going to be rolling a holy paladin at level 1 and going to level all the way to 60 as holy. Most people will say its so slow but if you are just dungeon spamming and group questing, its actually really fast.
I would say priest for one reason only…
Your healing gear would be the same as your optimal leveling gear for the most part.
Other than that… all of them heal just fine, especially if you spec into it.
After about 17-18 Paladin can heal Deadmines without too much trouble. Priest can heal it at like 15 though lol.
Exactly. Not much of a big difference.
They all work, Play what you feel you want to make endgame in mind.
Priests just need a good wand and to spec into improved wand and spirit tap
Paladins can level fully in the retribution tree and heal simply by putting on intelligence gear For the dungeon.