Best Healer for Solo PVE?

I’m a lone wolf most of the time, playing when my friends are sleeping or at work. (timezone thing)
But I like experiencing all classes and specs, challenging myself perhaps with some of them. End-game just doesn’t really do me much…

Which healer class/spec is the most fun or does the best damage to properly quest my way through Azeroth?

Disc priest is fun, unkillable, but low in damage it seems?

you look more like a lone panda.


not sure why i wheezed at that but i did lol

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Well you see, as warlock I have many demon friends. :smiley:

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Probably a dragon

that’s going to be the case for most healers. they’re not really designed for killing things quickly!


I understand and accept that, but I’d like to see other people’s opinions on the matter! :smiley:
Some classes might be better at it than others? I heard sham is pretty good, but I want to hear it from people here?

Pretty sure resto shaman has the worst damage of the healers.

Try the melee healers: Holy Paladin or Mistweaver

I didn’t forget those existed, not me nope.

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Yeah, Disc, Holy Paladin, and Mistweaver are the 3 DPS healer specs. You’re not going to do better than those 3.

Edit: At least in raids, that list is a little off. Disc is by far the strongest. Holy paladin, Resto Shaman, Resto Druid, and MW are all pretty close.

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But wouldnt that log be damage output while also prioritising healing?

Thanks very much none the less though!

That is correct. But with healer’s low DPS in general, I could see that being somewhat applicable to completing open world content while trying to keep yourself alive.

Just roll up a Blood DK - you can do dmg and self-heal! Its a win-win! >.<

From a fun perspective, I’d recommend rdruid. You can move talents around to try out different forms and abilities, whereas most other healers you’re usually just going to be pressing 1-2-3 alot.


I got one of those, was my main in legion. Gnome. Great fun, but if I do eventually do endgame stuff with my friends, I’d want to heal, not tank.

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Oh yeah - and being able to cat weave and bear weave when needed would be super helpful - and they have talents which allows you to off-spec while in a main spec.

they’re specs that can heal by dealing damage, but that doesn’t necessarily mean their damage is going to be better than any other healer.

as it happens i think hpal is probably in the lead, at least when you have cds up.

mw does okay in aoe but single-target is atrocious

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Hmmm… make one now… or wait for the possible chance of gnome or worgen paladin?

Disc Priest and Fistweaver (mistweaver monk) are the only 2 healing specs that can dps and heal. Other than that preservation evoker holds their own well as well as resto druid when you talent into one of the other specs via general talent tree. Restoration shaman isn’t bad either. Holy paladin is meh in my opinion, as someone who loves paladin i’d rather not do solo questing as a holydin. Holy priest is also a no go. But yeah if i had to choose the best healer in my personal experience to do lower end game content and solo questing it would be fistweaver all the way!

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Would a fistweaver play differently than a brewmaster? I’ve recently leveled up one of those. (just to get human heritage)

Other than the obvious stagger and kegmash.