Best healer for shadow priest

Hey, eveyone, friend ask me to play 2s with him. I told him that 2s is a cancer, teams jer* off each other for 5 mins + with healers, but he doesn’t listen, I also said that bm/feral/sub with healer is meta, so he has shadow priest dream, can you recommed me best healer for shadow preist in 2s, I thinks it’s rshaman or MW monk?

I think Rsham ooms too easily. I’d recommend Rdruid to help peel for them and set up with stuns or hpal for the same reason.

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Hpala sounds good, not sure about rdruid, think rdruids are not that good on long fights with healing debuff + same CC diminishings with shadow priest.

Discipline priest or holy paladin. It doesn’t really matter. Those are the only 2 healers allowed to PvP right now. Oh and Mistweaver sometimes.

This really isn’t true anymore, man.

A ton of players are trying out holy (i still think it’s worse than disc), rdruid is solid now (finally), and rsham is also really good until it ooms. And like you mentioned, MW (and dragon) are on the same tier as disc and hpal.

That was a joke lol. I’m just re-posting what a lot of commoners are spewing these days. Almost all healers are fine.


I think sp rsham is good. But, druid is probably better.
playing with a healer in 2’s is voluntary torture though.


Okay, you got me XD

I swear people don’t realize how much they actually impact the ladder.

When people say “X is bad” people don’t play it, even if it’s good. When people say “X is so OP” it will have higher rep (especially if it’s easier).

Similarly, when people say, “game is dead” and don’t Q - it dies. When people say, “game is good” everyone plays and it gets giga inflated.

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So, what you’re saying is that the illusion of the truth is more important than the truth?

No, not at all.
Quite the opposite. I’d argue that people create their own self-fulfilling truths and realities, even if it’s not based in reality.


Rdruid sp is disgusting in 2s.


Bro this guy keeps popping into every thread to claim that rdruid and rshaman are “fine.” Both specs are significantly weaker and have less mana efficiency than disc/holy pally/mistweaver.

Rdruid is not “solid.” As I posted out in the other thread, they are getting multiple buffs in season 2. A spec that is “solid” wouldn’t be getting a 20% mastery buff in PvP and multiple buffs to their HoTs, as well as multiple new talents.

The ironic thing is you don’t even play resto Druid, you play moonkin only. If you think resto is so solid why don’t you queue up into arena and tell me how it feels to be at 3% mana while your disc opponent is still sitting at 60+%

Because they are??
How else do you explain the rdruids making it work??

No, they all have situational pros and cons and are better/worse in different situations.

This part is 100% true, especially resto shaman.

It is.

Mastery scaling is getting gutted, though, which is resto druid’s niche. The thing that makes resto druid so strong now is that you have have full hots on a kill target and that target will never die, which forces you to swap; oftentimes in an un-ideal way. That’s what has made resto druid the best healer most of dragonflight and shadowlands.

Also, they are also losing several talents and the entire druid tree is getting a rework and new talents because druids have had the worst class tree bar none since its inception.

I’m literally 3x gladiator on resto druid. I got it playing rogue+lock, splay, and ret/war.

I’m not nearly as good at healing as dps, that’s for sure! But also, my ability to play a class doesn’t dictate its strength.

I’m awful at outlaw rogue, but it’s still a top tier spec.

It’s actually crazy that you’re still so upset that you got called out for lying about being a “multi glad rdruid” that you’re harassing me in multiple threads.

When people disagree with you the first thing they will use to discredit you is your arena rating. What’s crazy to me is that this game has been out for twenty years and people honestly think that it’s farfetched for someone to have more than one account.

Eldrethana is particularly hilarious because he’s struggling to break 1600 on demon hunter, but somehow thinks he’s in a position to make fun of someone currently rated 1900.

Blinkfast, it was you who brought up fake rating in another thread.

It’s just a fact that disc priest and pres were >>> all other healers at the start of the expansion. Hpal and mw got significant buffs and were comparable. Rdruid and resto shaman were behind those 100%.

EVERYONE held that opinion and agreed with it.

You, however, were the only person that said rdruid was completely unplayable, impossible to hit 1800 on, made up a fake story about being multi gladiator, and raged at everyone and lashed out at their rating.

Why are you blaming other peoples’ ratings?

You are 1836 (below starting mmr) over 355 games.

Eldrethana is 1907 in less than 1/4th the games.

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It’s funny how people twist words to fit their narrative. I said I hit 2400 by being carried during ONE season, not even by own merit. I literally stood there and spammed hots in tree form and never cloned. But in order for it to fit your narrative, you all twist what I say and repeat it over and over until it appears that I actually said “ I’m multi rank 1 Druid” when I never said it. No, you and Eldrethana among others keep repeating something I’ve never said until you actually start to believe it. I’ll say it again, Never claimed once to being a multi season top rdruid.

Because you are playing 2s, the answer for best healer is almost always going to be rdruid. However, if you want to just heal and not contribute that much cc and damage, then hpal is probably best for right now.

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Holy paladins have more cc than RDruids do. Hoj + repentance

Bro. You are twisting words LMAO.
-you lied-

This is what you said when you said the class was unplayable and it was impossible to break 1600.

You are lying again right here.

No one thinks or believes you said that, there were hyperbolic responses because of how much you’re doubling down on your lie.