Best gearing route for someone returning for S8 pvp?

is honor gear going to be discounted end of season?

i have 75k honor, in full deadly gear. do i buy a few pieces of relentless honor gear now?

whats the most effective route to gear up for s8 for a returning player?

I think it does get discounted when the season ends, but it for sure does when S8 starts the following week.
The Relentless Arena gear gets discounted when S7 ends so I’d assume the Honor gear is the same but I don’t remember.

Other than being honor capped like you are, just try to get as many Arena Points as you can in these last 2 weeks (S7 ends Oct 2nd) and spend them on discounted Relentless Arena gear. I would prioritize Relentless Shoulders/Helm unless you plan to get 2k in the first week or 2 of S8 since otherwise Shoulders will probably last you the longest before replacing with Wrathful.
Then try to get whatever relevant Raid gear for your spec there is.

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dont arena points reset with new season? or does relentless go on sale in the between time between s7 and s8?

Season 7 ends Oct 2nd at 10 PM (probably PST) and Relentless Gear immediately gets discounted and has rating requirements removed (except the T2 Weapons are reduced to 2k and Tabard remains 2300).

Then there is 1 week of “off season” to spend your remaining points.

Then Season 8 starts on October 10th and any unspent Arena Points left over get converted to Honor.

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thanks, thats the info i was looking for.

as far as conq points, someone with deadly gear, best option to just do some yolo 5s for points probably these last 2 weeks?

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Yes, 5s gives significantly more points than the other brackets.
Even if you had more than Deadly that’d still be the best option.
1300 in 5s gives more points than 2000 in 2s.

I’d even continue with trying to do 5s into Season 8 for points.
Use 2s or 3s to get your rating requirements as needed, then farm your points in 5s.

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If you have bought any furious gear with arena points since you’ve read this, stop immediately and refund anything you have.

First gather 75k honor and spend only on what you need to relieve the cap; don’t drop below 60k, you’ll want 75k for the new season start.

Gather arena points anyway you can and wait until this season ends. Do not buy furious gear anymore; it will be put on clearance with honor next season. Use those arena points then during the off-season to buy relentless heavy armor pieces or weaponry that will now have removed rating.

When the new season starts in a few weeks, use that 75k honor you built up to buy the new Wrathful accessories.

Don’t waste honor anymore on relentless accessories unless you have to relieve cap; start using honor to go str8t to wrathful in a few weeks.

Whip out that credit card because you’re gonna need a ton of pve gear

pvp gear basically rains from the sky, they’ve buffed point gain so many times

warriors need 2 pve items, shadowmourne and a pve trinket.

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oh nice. those sound really easy to obtain

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then they will yet make another new kind of honor cash system to make it harder so
you do not dump your honor to get free best BIS PVP armor. Yes because blizz is cheap like that

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