Best full healing non shapeshift restoration druid dungeon build

What is the best non shapeshift restoration druid build in 11.1 Undermine? For no dps/cc spells and the most healing?

I was so silly, I found it last week but forgot they were changing it :joy: thankyou

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With the new tree i dont think theres enough non-damage/cc nodes to take thatll use all your points and i dont think any guides will avoid all of them for that reason.

Probably just pick all the resto side stuff besides vigil, grab the range increase from boomy, put the rest into passive defensives bear side then whatever cc/utility youre happiest with.


Thanks! I tried to make one today but I notice I lack coverage at the start of pulls, especially if I just drank to get mana and it can get frantic for me. Is there any talent swap that would help with more HPS very quickly? If it is in a boss fight I get enough time before hand to plan, thankfully, but if I don’t plan it I’m just not sure what to do besides regrowthing myself and hoping for the best. Admittedly my gear is not too good, and I might need more haste as I didn’t seem to have this problem in dragonflight. I mostly guessed for the build I have now but it has otherwise been pretty good! Thank you for your time. Elmyouu