Best food, flasks, and pots for Mythic plus

Just wondering what are the best foods, flasks, and pots for Mythic Plus. Going to try to go all out and get KSM this season and could use the help, thanks in advance!

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Pretty sure it depends on your characters build.

But hey, I’m still learning myself.

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I read up and Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism and Spectral Flask of Power seem great, but the flask is kind of expensive.

Best food is pretty much always stat food (feast) and best flask is the non-tank one (there are only 2)

Can you list them for me?

I can do better than that, I can link you an entire website with a consumables guide


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Thanks everyone I appreciate the help!

Yeah my server that thing is going for thousands per flask

I’d probably just stick with food and oils for keys in the 15 range. Flasks aren’t necessary and the cost is going to add up lol.

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So the feast, but what oils exactly? I do know that some tanks like the group to have invisibility potions to skip certain areas.

I wouldn’t even buy the feasts. It’s overkill for keys at that level. Check your class/spec on icyveins and that will tell you the best food and oils. You should definitely have a stack of invis potions on you. Lots of routes call for a skip these days.


Food: Primary Stat through feasts, but your primary secondary stat will be enough.

Flask: Primary stat

Offensive potion: Primary stat

Weapon oil/stone: Depends on spec/class

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