"Best" essences for Prot Warr going into 8.3?

Which ones should I aim at having maxed out/at least rank 3 when 8.3 lands? I mainly use my Prot Warr alt for running M+, just to add some context to the question.

Thanks in advance :+1:

So we have two extremely important one your major is going to be
Vision of perfection
Rank one: kill king Mech
Rank two: kill king mech and gather some mats
Rank 3: kill king mech 4 times and gather more mats

One of your minors should be Memory of lucid dreams ranks obtained through naz follower quests

Third essence minor you can go nullification dynamo (mech rep) or ageis of the deep (naz rep)

Aegis is preferable in m plus and dynamo in raids

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This is literally my exact set up but just to reiterate.
Vision of Perfection is the stone cold nuts and should absolutely be your major.
Not mentioned is Azeroths Undying w/e. While not good now I can see a world where, with a few tweaks, it becomes useful.

So my Warrior is about halfway to exalted with Nazjatar and only just recently hit revered with Mechagon, should I even bother continuing to grind these zones with 8.3 right around the corner?

With 8.3 so close it feels like a waste of time to continue questing in Nazjatar/Mechagon, so I was wondering if there are any benefits to being exalted that don’t involve essences.

For context, I’m already exalted with these zones on my main, so there’s that.

Well it all depends if you want to get to rank 2&3 on your essences. 8.3 aside rank 3 with VOP is crucial and takes a lot of time in mechagon

I’m curious to see what essence you guys are thinking of using for the 3rd minor only slot in 8.3

Honestly i’m thinking of using anima, a little bit more health wouldn’t hurt and the passive healing is nice. Also the extra health means we get more out of last stand and rallying cry.

Personally I would run this:
Minor 1: memory of lucid dreams
Minor 2: aegis of the deep
Minor 3: nullification

All of them. Who the hell can accurately predict months in advance.

That minor is pretty crap.