Best ELE build for SOLO SHUFFLE?!

So with fire elem. Any elemental gives you 5%. And earth elem have stun in 45 sec. Do you even play pvp talent for shields? With elemental orbit shaman knocks and then roots. Imagine you get kick + knock + root every 30 sec

You always go primal with no lasso for stun on earth Ele and meteor burst with primordial surge sky fury. It’s absurd burst all instant I use flux melting with surge of power roots.

Icefury is cool but flux melting is amazing to pre a primordial surge such as earth shock freezing frost shock root into cap or earth Ele stun into primordial wave into sky fury into lava burst go into earth shock. That alone is 60 percent of someone’s hp without Dre proccing.

When I’m being tunneled I never even try for Icefury I use many globals to kick purge and totem in wolf.

You have to get it to get to the power house talent Primordial surge and don’t even have necrolord wave on your bars just fleshcraft until it goes away.

Earth Ele has two stuns in its duration which is pretty clutch while maintaining 5 percent damage reduc and health percentage increase.

I don’t think using anything but sky fury and grounding is good in this build as I have four second cd off some of the best Ele cds for PvP. Control of lava protection is still amazing to protect dispels and I don’t see myself using any other PvP talents since I don’t cast outside of hex and healing surge.

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Ele is always like this. U need good arena partners to peel for u.

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Can purge between casts, with the occasional hex & unleash shield casts

But usually you’re plenty busy with lvb procs and ice fury