Best Druid on the Horde side?

What race is a good choice for Horde?

Zandalari has the best forms, Horde-side.

Druids get horse form now?

Depends, you got apples?

Zandalari have the most interesting Druid forms, even compared to the Alliance. They get exotic looking shapeshifts, like becoming a Pterrordax instead of a Bird, and some kind of reptile Arakkoa Boomkin form. Wasn’t enough to stop me from playing a Kul Tiran Druid though. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like darkspear troll with astral form to avoid the terrible boomkin form.

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warstomp is nice. i like tauren’s flight form the most of all the races. have a look at all the different shapeshifting forms and see which one looks best to YOU. there is no best min/max class really.
the dps differences between races are negligible

If you like dinosaurs, go with the Zandalari.

If you’re more into the old druid aesthetic with a cat and bear form, I cannot recommend Highmountain enough. Their flight form is my favorite of all the druids, being a proper, beautiful looking eagle. All their forms (save for Moonkin) have some awesome looking markings as well.

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Numbers-wise? Tauren/Highmountain tauren for bear, Tauren for resto as well as feral, and Troll for Boomkin.

I personally prefer Highmoutain for Bear as I like their racial. For all else, Tauren take the cake. Their racial is useful across the board, practically required for PvP, and a great M+ tool. Troll racial helps boost damage, but it’s clunky to use and on a massive CD so I’m not too fond of it.

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Darkspear is best, but I might be biased

I mean, Wicker-form constructs. How can you beat that?

tbh I prefer Highmountain tauren just because unlike Bloodhoof tauren they actually have all the animals a druid can be either in Highmountain or just near it.

When would a tauren ever have seen a bear? Or a seal? Or an owlkin?

The only good horde druid is a dead horde druid.

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The best Horde druid is Alamo, abviously. Cat iz 4 fite.

Night elf, there are no druids other then Night elf. All others are pretenders.

No I’m not bitter about something else. Honest…

Undead cannot be Druids, idiot.


wise words

Best druid on the Horde side: Any will work, provided they are skinned, cured, and on the floor in front of the fireplace. The head would be mounted on the wall of course.

Tauren hands down. Right there with night elves on being the original druids.

None, they’re all so ugly.

Except for male zandalari troll.