None, all pets are equalized and no pets are special whatsoever nowadays. Use whatever cunning pet you like, they all deal the same damage and have the same health etc,.
Hyenas are my favorite because of their bite, which reduces the healing of the enemy. Plus you still get that speed boost. I think raptors have the same ability too. It’s a good ability to have for PvP.
If you’re PvPing, which is where you use Cunning Pets, you want a Hyena, Raptor, or Rodent. They have a Mortal Wounds effect.
Here’s a page showing which pets have which abilities and their specs.
If you’re in PvE and using it for some reason, you probably want a Camel or Gruffhorn for soloing, or Aqiri, Basilisk, Bird of Prey, Hound, or Warp Stalker for the slow.
Yep. The favored one is the Undead Raptor as it’s immune to more stuff, but you’ll want to swap to a live one into Retribution Paladins (Wake of Ashes, Turn Evil) and Priests (Shackle).
Spiders use to be a great PVP till blizzard wrecked them by taking away their stun and webbing of a player…I use to use a Spider all the time during LK…I had my Spider pull players out of the air with their webbing…best fun you can have in pvp…that was also when we could have aggressive on our pets too.
Yeah back when hunters pets were great…against stealth classes like rogues and druids…but cause those two classes complained and complained about aggressive pets we lost that ability…Hunters use to be great flag sittings like in AB…cause we could pull the stealth classes out coming to turn the flag… add in it didn’t help hunter class when some hunters were in que for a raid or dungeon and forgot to turn off their pets aggressive and put them too help.