Best Cov for 2’s?

My friend and I just got back to the game and we’re going to run some 2’s as shadow/destro. Nothing serious, just trying for 1800.
Neither one of us can seem to find a clear-cut answer on wowhead or any of the other sites, but what is the best covenant for destruction warlocks in 2’s? Again we are shadow/destro.
Thanks so much

Both nightfae and necro are good, it just depends on the playstyle your lock wants.

Night fae lets him have more mobility with soulshape and soul rots a decent ability on its own. Plus you can run dreamweaver for a haste dump to really crank out bolts.

Necros good for the extra defensives with fleshcraft and the conduits. The necro cov ability is alright without the leggo but having the cov leggo lets you run a very strong fire build set up so your not entirely reliant on being a bolt bot.

Personally I prefer necro these days just because I hate being a bolt bot but at the end of the day both are viable.

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Yea that’s what we’ve read, mobility vs tankiness. Ok well he’s leaning towards necro so it sounds like we’ll be alright. Thanks

No problem. If he’s having issues with getting good value out of bolts as necro just have him swap to shadowburn and he can do conflag- buffed incinerate - shadowburn - incinerate - shadowburn - conflag

Not as ideal as bolt spamming but you can still chunk people.