The title pretty much sums it up. I’d like to attempt Zekvir in his lair on one of my alts before the end of the season. Which class/spec has been easiest for you to do so? I’m not talking one-shotting boss easy, just a reliable class/spec so I don’t dither around on a bunch of alts.
Classes I don’t have-drathcyr, demon hunter, or a warrior (not a high-lvl one anyway). Class/specs I have but havent played much this xpac-- shadow priest, demo lock, sin rogue, this balance druid alt. Not to say I can’t use them for Zekvir, but a little rusty.
The class I’m most likely to attempt it on–frost mage. But open to other class/specs.
I see there’s another thread still open on this topic, lots of shadow priest replies, thanks!
i tried demo, survival, UHdk but its the shadopan ww monk easiest for me
touch of death (1.5mins CD talented) can be used on cocoon when its 40%hp
use pvp trinket that remove loss of control as emergency button for fear removal, spider stun removal
ww shadopan monk damage is rather low so need practice on dealing damage outside cooldown and line up the flurry strikes on egg cocoon. Good thing is fire, storm, earth and xuen almost always up but prepare that when both are on CD, you have ToD for that moment
tho by saying shadopan ww easiest for me, doesnt mean its easier than mage tower and soloing malenia herself
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Shadow priest is by far the easiest. Voidweaver burst lines up with every egg. Fade can remove every DoT. They just take less damage so need less healing/defensives.
Ilvl isn’t even much of a concern. You just need enough DPS to kill the eggs and other than that it’s just following mechanics, which are easier for ranged.
I also had a very easy time with a Shadow Pan windwalker. You’re mobile enough to get away from his smash and fear every time, Strike of the Windlord + Touch of Death will kill the eggs, and all you have to do is interrupt his spit. Popping the insta-cast vivify every time it’s up will keep you topped off even if Brann is screwing around. I was sub 600 ilevel and had no issues with him at all.
a little typo correction: interrupt his heal, instead of spit
the spit poison dot is easily cleared between using tiger lust, brann dispel, diffuse magic, and the roll talented
its also good to talent the roll into a jump->air dash to ensure better uptime on egg cocoon
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Ret paladin was easy. They’ve got all the tools you need. Freedom for the dot, pony for avoiding the ground nasties. Just interrupt his heal and pop cooldowns on the eggs and you’ll be fine.
Shadow priest. You can do it at pretty much any ilvl, even questing greens is enough.
I actually just did this a couple days ago playing Destro Diabolist. Took me a bit to stop accidentally using my interrupt on the egg due to it being a macro that checks for a focus and mouseover target and losing track of my cursor a few times. But I eventually managed to get it.
Didn’t have to go in fully buffed or anything. Just had some decent Hearty food and the permanent Augment Rune from Amirdrassil (not that I think 86 primary stat made a huge difference but figured I might as well get my mileage out of the stupid thing).
i did it with this character.
Unholy DK, our burst damage with all CDs up and a good on use trinket will let you absolutely melt phase 1 of zek’vir, then as he does his immunity some will come back up
I did it as unholy with damage brann and it was suuuuper fast
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That’s interesting. Though I suspect it’s a totally different landscape if you’re doing this at mythic gear levels. This encounter seems to be balanced around gear you can acquire in delves or via the vault (edit: meaning the vault rewards you get from delves, i.e. 616). Once you get to ~620ish, you start feeling overgeared. I think the original incarnation of Zek was balanced around gear like yours, but then they nerfed it because it’s supposed to be the endgame encounter for delves
The original zek was balanced around 615-620 with good play, that’s around where kills were in that post bug fix pre nerf week. They nerfed it to be doable around 600 after that.
Which concerns me somewhat, does that mean the new one in S2 will be doable immediately out of the gate with the gear we have now?
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I did it at 610? area I think, probably be a joke to do at my current gear lol
Is the situation you described above in 610 gear? If so, how long did it actually take (idk DK cooldowns)
edit; but yes it’d be a joke at your gear. like I said, around 620 you start being overgeared
I never did it before the nerf (I didn’t even know this encoutner existed at the time), but I think I read on these forums that the eggs had 10M HP and the timer was half what it is now. Is that right? Thats seems pretty challenging (like impossible) for many specs at 610, especially if you’re a pure melee class like a warrior and have to lose a few seconds here or there to dodge mechanics.
I only tried prot warrior and brewmaster monk.
Prot was was near impossible and heavily relied on good luck RNG.
Brewmaster was super easy.
Ret Paladin has a pretty easy time as well. BoF for Spittle, steed for cones/fear, Wings OR Wake for egg, DS for emergencies. The hardest part for me was learning the patience to not go after the egg right away and potentially being caught in a cone or him getting a heal off while I was across the room. Even if you wait a second or two to see what he does next, you DO have the time to get to the egg and burn it down once it’s safe to do so.
I know you said emergency, but you really shouldn’t be getting hit by either of those. The fear is trivial for a monk to avoid, and as you mentioned, talented ToD makes burning down the egg before it can hatch easy too. Just an FYI for those who hate PvP and don’t want to think they need to go get a trinket from it to succeed at this mode.
I would never do this as a tank spec personally but if I did, Brew would be the way to go since you have a bigger HP total to eat the eggs and plenty of mobility for the one-shots. Egg burst is the biggest obstacle to clearing him as a tank and ToD takes care of that.
I only used abom twice, so fight was under 3 minutes
Assuming you go full in on pet damage, you can kinda blow all your CDs, get the stacks up, then just run around a bit so he can’t melee you much
Just make sure to send pets on the eggs asap and its a sketchy fight, but real fast so a wipe doesn’t feel terrible