Best Class TWW?

What will be the best class in TWW? I’ll mainly play BGBLITZ with maybe some RSS (but probably not). Looking for something with fast queue times preferably, but not a healer because that’s too much pressure.

Was thinking maybe BDK would be good for fast queues and flag running with the new mounted combant. I’m not a pro at the game so hoping to leverage average skill with OP class to have some early success

Monk B I S

Is BRM good in BGs?

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not a chance brm will be good but we must press on brother

Mmm maybe I’ll just stick with BDK for mounted combat then


I don’t know how to tell you this but Blood doesn’t get that…still the premier class for drowning healers though.


Hard to say at this point but Hunter is good for BG’s

Got heem

I knew you were fishing with that bro I just needed a reason to talk about how dumb this game is when a spec is the best at drowning other players.

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I just wish it worked in instanced content

I was expecting it to work in arena since they were changed many years ago to be considered outdoors for druid travel form. Maybe would be too op though.

Don’t tell him. People fiending for what’s FOTM to rush to it is cringe.

This literally changes on a weekly basis in beta due to bugs and balancing changes. :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh, you can improve your queue times by intentionally losing - I guess. Or are you looking for the weakest specs that aren’t played much and have a lower overall win rate or something? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Um are you suggesting gameplay sabotage? That’s against the TOS IIRC

~ Biebz thread ~

What gave it away Sherlock? Was it my post to Exalter confirming that?

Great detective work :dizzy:


It’s a gray area. I mean playing a relatively weak spec could be seen as gameplay sabotage. :wink:

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I heard cdew say every healer looks really good besides monk

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OoOooOOOoOooooOO look Biebz adopts a tough fella persona when not posting on a gnome talking about mogs oOooooOOoOoOo