Best class to play with a controller?

So after seeing the recent controller improvements I decided to give it a shot and holy crap, it feels like a different(ish) game! I really am enjoying it, especially Hunter. Not sure if we can recommend addons on here but I only use one and its phenomenal - highly recommend any players getting bored with the game making a new class and playing it with controller!

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone here had any favorite classes to play with the controller? Hunter obviously translates well, but I’m wondering about any melee classes? I bet that would be pretty fun. What about casters?

Ideally this would be something I could level with and take into endgame at a casual level.

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Play wow df beta on a steam deck and great experience.

Imo, wait a few weeks before balancing is done and people will have more accurate answers. It also depends if you care about using a strong build or not, there are some relatively easy but mediocre builds I’ve made so far.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

Demon hunters are an action game character with relatively few abilities that’s been copied and pasted into a tab-target MMORPG, they’re practically made for controllers.

Monk might work ok too for similar reasons, though they have more buttons.

I play fury warrior and it is insanely good!! I have done non stop testing and setups since the patch and controller can be setup extremely effectively. Movement is silky smooth way better than m/kb. I will get way more apm’s on controller, interrupts are so snappy. I also tested on prot warrior and prot pally. No drama’s. Just build a custom global UI then slot all your skills into the ui. I cleared all the hardest content in FFXIV, Lost Ark & ESO on controller, can it be done in WoW? Absolutely it can!

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Bump! I found arcane mage to be pretty fun (as well as destro warlock). What do you guys think?

I find myself constantly having position issues playing melee classes with a controller where I am not facing or standing in front of the enemy/enemies.

Maybe it’s just me needing to get used to but for that reason I think ranged is just more suitable with a controller.

Frost DK, DH, MM hunter

Something without ground targeted AoE

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How do you even target your 10-40 raid members to heal on a controller

I love controller players in PVP, Free honor!

You can configure it similar to how FFXIV does it! It takes some getting used to but its doable.

I’m telling you guys if you haven’t yet just give it a shot, it makes the game seem fresh and it feels pretty responsive with the recent prepatch changes!

There is no way you can dispel friendly target #31 on raid frames anywhere as fast as you can with a mouse

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yes but its fun

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