I want to make a new class, perhaps one I have never played before. I am completely sick and tired of Retribution paladins running a muck in PvP, specifally Wpvp.
What is the best Anti Paladin class? What class can melt paladins with ease? I hear mages are pretty good at this. I have a priest-120, hunter-120, rogue-70, warlock-120, demon hunter-102, deathknight-110 and druid-110, but I’ve only played the priest hunter, lock and rogue in BfA. Do I need to dust off my DK?
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I consistently see pallys complaining about mages, specifically frost, the most. I don’t play much of either class/spec but apparently they (paladins) really hate forced rp-walking when they’re not terribly mobile as it is.
I think most Paladins would say mages give them the most trouble. Assuming equal gear/skill, I would say arcane is the hardest because they can kite for days while keeping me perma snared. Frost would be second hardest, but I have more uptime on frost than arcane. I wouldn’t recommend fire mage, simply because they don’t have the tools to kite the way the other 2 specs do.
Of your 120’s, probably survival hunter can do well. They can pull off some pretty good damage. I don’t have much trouble with BM or MM though.
UHDK is in a great spot right now. You would need gear of course, but I do very well with my UH vs Ret 1v1. That could be a result of me knowing pally and what they are going to do.
Generally speaking though, it’s all about surviving and kiting wings. Most pallys take the talents that reduces cooldown on HoJ, so be careful when you trinket. If you eat a 6 second HoJ while wings are up (ouch)… So make sure you save your defensives, movement speed, and CC for wings burst.
I’ve killed a few pallys by just frost shock and earthbind spam, though they win sometimes because they end up using bubble AND lay on hands, though i’d consider that a win since i killed them twice technically.
A good Ele can be tough for pallys if they keep him snared and purge freedom immediately.
Getting a bubble and LoH out of a pally is annoying AF, but you have to expect it. The winner is whoever doesn’t do the corpse run. That doesn’t stop me from /golflcap’ing them when they use Bubble & LoH 1v1 though.
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I’m a mediocre mage player and i’m relatively sure i could beat the best retribution paladin in the world 1v1.
Arcane mage is def the most cancerous 1v1 by far. I think most pallys complain about frost because it’s a more popular spec. The perma snare combined with shimmer, blink, displace, blink, blink means a ton of running around back and forth in slow motion. Not to mention your VE racial helps as well.
I can beat arcane 1v1, but it takes forever because you can rarely hit a TV on them. I basically have to wear them down with ranged abilities (judgment, lawbringer, execution sentence, and hammer).
For me personally, arcane is the 1v1 I dislike the most. Arcane should win that matchup, so it makes me feel good when I manage to kill one.
Mage Alt here we go! I’m coming for the bullies.
Warlock does fine too… don’t think you need to level a mage from scratch !!
Everyone is complaining about them !!
I am below mediocre pally let’s meet up and see who is most mediocre. I need practice.
Come join dueling junkies community.
OP locks they seem to have endless cc…and hard hitting bolts.
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I know destro is good right now in PvP, but I gave up on lock in legion and swore to never play that class again. I’ve never played a mage.
But you have a lock at 120…?
I have moved away from ES a good bit since the nerf. Anytime i am going to have low uptime on a target, I like to run talents like double steed, Hammer of wrath and ES. I also like jurisdiction for the improved stun radios. Anything that’s going to help close the gap is the key to fighting a good mage.
I can understand not using LOH. But i like to play my duels like i would an arena match, bubble and BOP are ways for me to content with certain classes. Unholy have an incredibly good kit vs a Ret pally with AMS and ice bound.
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I use everything at my disposal be that LoH, bubble, bubble+hearth (just last night i attacked a prot warrior in TS assault and then after about 10 secs his buddy ret attacked me, thats 2v1 and gg for me so bubble+hearth outta there) and try to win.
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LOH will be an option in lopsided fights like that. I normal gage how quick the nuked my heath as if LOH is going do to anything more then make them nuke me twice.
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I read somewhere on the forum that u have some dueling community. Ive sent u a btag friend request if thats ok?
Most certainly! I will add you once i get home. Dustin#1859
Yay more friends for thr community