Best class for vulpera?

I’ve fallen to the dark.
Usually I insult Vulpera, but too many play it so there must be a somewhat-good aspect of them.
Best class? Some say monk, some say rogue, some say don’t.
I’m thinking rogue, since it literally says “Cunning” in-game, but what do you think?


They don’t really have an advantage and they’re themes are decently diverse.


What do you mean by that?


I’ve always hated those foxes always so loud and annoying if it were up to me I would get rid of all of them and burn all their homes!


Go Vulpera rogue. :robot: :+1:


Rogue will be my first choice but monk could work well too.


I find either Rogue (Outlaw from personal experience) and given the theme of their existence in rare cases as pirates; Or shamans due to their absurd use of ‘hearthstone’ abilities alongside their racials to plant your mobile inn (Tent) anywhere you wish.

And IMO, either Warrior for the irony of a small fox with a giant weapon for “Ankle Biting” humor or Hunters, Hunters are always nice.

Overall, just go with what’s fun, that’s truthfully all that matters. Unless you need a reason, Rogues feel the most fitting and Hunters second.


You say that now, but then they cuddle up against your leg and sleep in the circle looking all cute.



Agreeing with others, rogues seem to be fitting (it’s a class that fits the other little races too, like gnomes and goblins).

I also like Vulpera shaman. Little guy learning and befriending the spirits/elements to get by in a dangerous world.


Rogue, Hunter, Monk, they all work. I personally like the bow animations for Vulpera a lot.


The nose for trouble racial is actually incredible for a few tank classes while you start rolling defensives, like blood dk for example where you are low on RP and bone shield at the start of some pulls. It’s over 1mm healing per m+ at 15-18 range on my warrior. Such an underrated ability.

Rogue is fun, and fits them well. The leather helms all look super goofy on them though. Eye patches, hoods, and crowns all look dope. The eyeglasses do look a little funky though, but it fits the quirkiness of the race.

Monk plays well, but the racials don’t add much. Vial does give you a ranged attack in a pinch if you need it though.

Warrior sounds really good, they did a good job with the race noises and warrior uses them the most. I love my vulpera warrior, and it’s my main now.

Vial is a lot better than most people give it credit for. I’ve used it to save my healer during heavy aoe damage several times this season alone. It buys a crucial global CD. It also goes through BoP (lol) and yes I’ve scored a kill through BoP with it on my warrior. Felt amazing.


I’ve had several Vulpera since they’ve been released, but my two favourite classes were these Warrior and Shaman.

Warrior was fun because I rolled as a tank, and the notion of noble belves, mighty tauren and savage orcs seeking shelter behind this tiny adorable fox person with oddly proportioned armor was hilarious.

Then there’s shaman, which has hands down the best looking totems in the entire game.

Whichever one you run with though OP just remember to do the following with your character

  1. /sleep
  2. Wait a moment
  3. /Stand

You won’t be disapointed.


Absolutely this, 5% of max health simply absorbed from first attack by every mob adds up quickly, it essentially means the first hit of any non-boss or very hard hitting elite is simply absorbed from every mob. And considering the first hit is usually the only one mobs being run by on the ground get, also means getting dismounted happens drastically less, it is a very underrated passive.

And make camp is one of the most versatile racials in the game, farming a raid or dungeon for an old transmog? camp by the entrance, farming or trying to tame a specific rare? camp near its spawn. Simply questing and want to go back to town and get back where where you left off? set a camp where your questing, hearth and then come back.

And 8 more bag slots simply for being the race doesn’t hurt either.

But as far as class, Shaman


The totems are insanely cuddly.

Also you can be a vulpera hunter with dual fox pets while riding a fox. Does it get more immersive than that?


ok so I’m going to make three posts, “hunter” “shaman” and “rogue”. You guys can heart whichever is best.




Imho, shaman ,they are so cute firing away.






Vulpera don’t really have a “best” class. They just don’t perform well at anything. In fact, in some instances, they are so far behind other races you would be hamstringing yourself if you played one in any sort of serious content.

Vulpera is a race you play because it’s cute and possibly because you like to be able to /camp somewhere (possibly to farm something and it’s easier to log in and out).