Best class for solo bgs

I’m here to help stop the spread on nonsense. We have an office pool going on what neck level you quit the game again.


Yea but if you don’t understand how the gear works then how can you be qualified to comment on it?

As for Heart level I’d love to catch up to the top players in the world. Raising your Heart level is the real competition last I check someone was 95. He must really be a beast and be like an Old God.

I’ll play as long as the gear is interesting and there is something fun to do, then I leave and play other games. As of now 8.3 is pretty fun with the builds you can theorycraft.

I’m going to ask you the same question.

There are players that know how to play tanks in pvp, and then there are tanks in pvp like Abomb who believe they are a dps. Unfortunately about 99% of players are like Abomb.

Your damage is padded AoE, you lack an MS or spammable CC, and a healer can support the dps with those abilities much better. There are a few niches tanks fills in pvp. Dps with training wheels is not one of them.


No it’s not, most of my damage is single target! You aren’t looking at the details or my meters. You are making wild assumptions about my build and how I play it without knowing my build or the gear I am using. How can you comment on what I am doing without any information? That is just silly. That isn’t even a speculation, it’s just you being biased.

We can easily go up to a target dummy and solve this.

I promise you, any competent dps with similar gear will beat you

“Boards don’t hit back” - Bruce Lee

I promise you a well geared tank is more valuable than Dps in a BG. This topic is about solo class for BGs. A Prot Pally can do everything a Dps can do just better while also off healing the struggling Dps keeping them up and in the fight. Or full healing the healer getting trained.

If you want to win 1 v 2’s or 1 v 3’s while defending or capturing a base in a BG then look at Prot Pally for solo play.

You may as well go ahead and make this guide since there are so many intricate synergies that we’re not aware of- no sense in waiting until you reach a certain neck level, is there? Seeing as though the difference between neck levels will only change throughput rather than the way a build works.

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In due time my friend in due time. It’s coming soon. Probably this week.

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Lul… What? A tank is useful for a few situations… Dps are gonna be more valuable in a lot more. There is a reason rated bg teams run with only one tank.

Or please enlighten all the rated pvpers why they should run with 7 tanks and 3 healers :roll_eyes:


10 tanks… not 7 tanks 3 healers noob


Yeah. At running a flag. Or base sitting solo. You aren’t a dps lol. You have no MS, your CC is long cooldowns, and you’re only good at surviving.

Like I said…

Also glad we agree you can’t out dps a dps, too.

Sigh… first of all no one is talking about RBGs or team compositions. Just because something is more valuable doesn’t mean you stack it. That isn’t how PvP works because of counter play and maps.

Besides that we are talking about best SOLO class for BGs. I said Prot Pally and have tons of fun with one. I usually am at the top in dmg, Kbs and healing and win most 1 v 2’s. It’s a really fun Solo class. It’s built for Solo play because it can do EVERYTHING. ( why are some of you making this so difficult just to argue )

Any ways I made my points and linked a helpful Pally youtube channel for solo PvP. So the information is there. Now time to move on instead of wasting my valuable time.

Can we do a 1v2 or 3 please? I want to see this. I pick my team and let’s duel?

You do have a point there. I’m more than a little skeptical that prot is out DPS’ing DPS specs or outhealing healers but it can’t really be denied that tanks are strong in 1vX and generally less reliant on peels or heals from allies.

Teammates don’t like playing with tanks and enemies don’t like playing against them… but tanks themselves might be having fun. :man_shrugging:

You’re delusional.

I say this as someone that mains a Prot Pally.


You still can’t claim tanks are better than dps for solo bgs. Rated bgs won’t stack things sure, but if something was better they would still 100% take as many as they could. When they take 1 max, maybe zero, it’s pretty clear tanks aren’t MORE effective as you claimed.

Viable… maybe…

My last post here but most of my BG’s look like this and this is my claim that I said many post up. Let me know what Dps is tops in damage and healing for 10-12 mil each every BG. I don’t even have great gear yet.

I don’t care to argue as it doesn’t matter if the usual trolls don’t believe me. I posted helpful info from Rextroy who Solo game plays Prot Pally in PvP and PvE. He does 1 v 2 Arena’s all the time and wins. This thread is about solo BGs at least I offered helpful info. Not sure why I engage with the people that refresh forums all day just to argue.

Just wanted to help the OP…Sheesh. Some of you need to lighten up and stop derailing threads, you really make the forums toxic.

Eh I’ve topped both as enhance when the healers are bad. I’ve yet to be beat by a tank in damage that’s for sure.

Ironic coming from someone who posts just as much :roll_eyes: we just don’t like it when you troll other people with bad advice. Tanks can be viable, I take issue when you say they’re more viable than dps lol

Same here, just correcting bad advice is all.

You think this discussion was toxic? Holy moly… You must not get on the internet much?


You have more posts than the majority of us.
