Stacking pulsar only boosts starsurge dmg which isn’t even the reason you pick it while stacking stars is for the dmg which does stack.
Ok, got it. So the starsurge part of it doesn’t stack? I’m guessing it’s more for the CA procs.
Also, I still only have rank 1 vision, is it still worth using as a major? I have strife, lucid dreams, breath all at rank 3.
Do Boomkins hurt other players? They get completely nullified by Prot Pal so I am not sure. Their rolling HoTs get blocked and do damage to them so they are really easy to kill or ignore. Also being a Paladin and doing Holy dmg you bypass many caster Armor defense etc.
Prot Pal just completely counters Dot classes by blocking them and returning damage so they are just killing themselves.
I see many of you recommending Rogue. Rogues are squishy as heal against demon hunters. Maybe in a 1v1 situation rogues can hold their own. But DH’s are never alone in random BG’s. Where ever there is a DH, there’s a crap load of AoE. Rogues don’t do well with AoE.
The dmg part does stack but its takin for the proc and rank 1 visions still got to be worth it.
Lethal strikes minor is to good to not take and lucid dreams minor is pretty good.
Right, the CA proc portion of pulsar is what’s important. You can for sure use up to three but at least one is mandatory.
Yes, use rank 1 vision as your major. The other essences you listed will work great as minors for now but you eventually want to replace crucible with breath 3. Bear in mind that max vision is very easy to get now. Your next mechagon workshop run will guarantee drop the blueprint for rank 2 on heroic. You can get rank 3 from heroic too but the drop rate is lower than mythic.
Yes, lol. You can ignore them as a tank if you’d like but they’re going to meter pad your healers’ mana bars out of existence, throw around spammable CC that doesn’t break on damage, and burst priority targets with frequent, long duration incarnation windows. Even with guardian affinity, we’ll probably be squishier than a tank with a flag or orb but at least we’re marching down the field with it instead of waddling.
I regard balance and most high performing DPS specs in general as being more ‘future proof’ than tank cheese is that’s enabled by BfA-only borrowed power.
Agreed. Even in 1v1 I question the matchup. Tough to CC them during meta with just kidney and blind when the meta cooldown itself has such a long duration and with it activating for 8 seconds on every eye beam (which can be traited to have a CD even lower than 30 seconds)… the leech is just too much to reliably burst through. Add blur plus a rotational ability with a physical dodge baked in and you have a real problem.
Everyone hard counters prot pals by simply ignoring them until the angel thing comes down and then you just stun it and keep killing the rest of the team while the prot pal is sweating with his mouth open thinking he’s doing something to the enemy team.
“I BLOCKED IT!!1!!11”
Prot Pally is useless in BG, a DPS can do anything they do better.
Only useful tanks are Bears and DH’s.
And to the OP, play whatever class you like . I do just fine in BG’s, and I am just an Ele shaman . Not a so called meta class . I have seen every class/spec top KB’s and damage in BG’s.
Boomkin? He asked for solo bg’s. Boomkins can be great with coordinated teams, but I would not really use them solo. Being piled on as a ranged is no fun at all, in fact its my least fun thing about random bg’s as at least with melee I feel like I can do some damage when its happening.
The classes you want for solo are high self sustain or rogue/mage basically.
What I love about rogues is if my team is bad (and that will be a lot), I can just go solo objectives. Mages are just amazing at getting out of bad spots, better than elemental/boomkin by a lot imo.
Demon Hunters are ridiculous too. Honestly I avoid them on most of my classes because they are tanky as all hell, and even if they start to lose they have so much mobility that even if I can catch them by the time I do they have run back to all their allies. WW for the same reason but maybe a little less so than DH.
Prot pal leads BG in healing you are ignoring one of the best team healers?
Geared Prot pal leads BG in damage and KB’s so you are ignoring that?
I am not sure how you can ignore them when they have great heals, utility, cc, damage. I mean you are joking right?
I was doing 2’s with a DH and many times I lead in Damage and out DPS them, so I am confused by your statements.
Completely wrong I can beat out most Dps in Damage and KBs while also topping healing
And so what … so have I. Many times .
Damage =/= effective damage. You running around cleaving for 600 and watching those 500 consecration ticks in the middle of a zoo of pets aren’t doing anything but padding your stats. Tanks always have inflated damage and healing because most of that is on your self trying to survive after your team lost the team fight and you live an extra 50 seconds cleaving 5-8 targets getting some good pad numbers in.
If tanks were actually more effective than healers and dps then your entire team would be nothing but tanks. They aren’t and it’s because tanks are almost useless. It’s really sad you think you’re doing something for your team when you really are a hindrance. We all had a little Johnny in school that really loved sports and begged coach to be on the team.
Tanks hit for 100-300k now with the right gear, didn’t you get the memo? They in fact have great burst!
Really my instant heal, Hand of the Protector can crit for 200k and saves a lot of Dps when they are low fighting at a base.
You have no idea how the gear works now. Zero! I can pull 100k DPS in a few seconds with Corruption and Essences
Every damage source you just listed is accessible to dps and healers…
You’re 15 sec cd heal that only does that much during wings mind you is still inferior to hpal.
It is less effective for them though Again you have no idea how the gear works. Just stop man. Perhaps go to the Arena forums and read some of the threads about Tanks critting for 300k. Are Dps critting for 300k? Maybe a lucky Bolt haah but nah. Time for the Tanks to reign supreme. About time too.
Anyways it’s an amazing solo spec for BGs as it can do everything a DPS or Healer can do just better.
When you see a Tank dominating a BG and killling everyone then he has the right gear and knows what he is doing. Don’t believe me fine. I will continue to enjoy the best solo spec.
Add laughing emojis to every post does not make you a winner or right.
It was a perfect scenario of stacking max hp and getting a lucky rng proc. Also, the target didn’t die so that damage was a wasted proc.
If this was true it would be 10 tanks vs 10 tanks in every bg. You don’t see this.
Continue the good fight little johnny. Hang in there.
No but globaling people as Prot then putting a banner in their back does. Also funny luls.
But you’re not unless you are just smacking undergeared noobs. In that case, everyone is globaling undergeared noobs.