Best BM Pets - situational

What are the best pets to use for:


Thanks in advance.

Sporebat. For the dps.

More seriously though:

M+: Bring a ferocity pet with lust if your group doesn’t already have lust. If they do feel free to bring something like a devilsaur for mobs that may heal. Otherwise, I recommend a clefthoof as they can hold agro for a little bit usually if the tank dies.

Raids: Same concept. Leech will likely be more beneficial than heal or the 20% damage reduction CD from spirit beast.

Torghast: Clefthoof is by far the best option here as they bring both leech and passive defensive CDs to help keep themselves alive. Additionally, they receive extra healing.

Soloing / WQ: Same as above. For world quests you can probably use whatever you prefer really though. Soloing really depends what type of content you are trying to solo, though Clefthoof is the best for that.

PVP: I use a hyena for master’s call and mortal wounds. Devilsaur works for comps where you don’t need master’s call. Spiritbeast can also work for those where you don’t need master’s call but would like an extra damage reduction CD.


@Lazyguide - This is such a great summary/write-up. Thank you for not just saying the pet but the reasons why. Appreciated. Name irony :slight_smile:

This is Trachea btw


I have 4 pets in the … carryon?

clefthoof, silithid, spirit beast, gorilla

The clefthoof is far and away the best pet for most everything generally because of the reasons listed above. For anything difficult at all it’s 100% clefthoof, all the time.

But, as I’ve gotten gear and better at surviving, in non-threatening or random open-world situations I do use the silithid because it has a nice mix of abilities. Faster base speed. Area snare. While claw is supposed to be the same damage as the others it does seem to be a little more damage up front, quickly. For easy to kill WQ mobs it’s perfect. I also use this for group larger pvp. But - in all situations, you have to be on the ball to heal it.

I haven’t found any use for the spirit beast … … … there’s one chest in maldraxxis where I have to damage myself to get it … that’s it. I might drop this one and put in an anti-heal pet here, that would be a good idea.

The gorilla is the best choice pet for other specs I think. Generally if you have a pet out for MM it’s because you need it for something difficult, go go gorilla.

I use spirit beast loque for everything that doesn’t need me to lust. If I need lust in a m+ I just bring the pet out for that pack or boss and go back to using loque. Spirit heal is quick and easy and along with exhilaration and heal pots can save you in a pinch, the damage redux is also quite nice when you know something’s coming and you want to keep pumping dps. The spirit heal is also great on grevious to drop a stack and help your healer out.

Clefthoof for tanking shadowlands solo content. No point using it in M+ as a tank pet as it’s just going to get rounded and waste your time. You can use any other ferocity pet to tank legacy stuff that you want, only going to need the clefthoof in current zones.

Return to monke.

raids: tenacity for the damage reduction CD or ferocity for leech

mythic+: if your group has hero/lust, same as above. if they don’t have hero/lust, ferocity pet for that

torghast: clefthoof pet specifically, without animal companion talent. their passive increases their healing taken, and they give leech+hero/lust. animal companion reduces the overall healing they do via leech, so it’s best not to run it in torghast

solo/WQ: anything. if you need hero/lust on a rare, run ferocity.

pvp: cunning for master’s call “freedom” or tenacity for damage reduction CD if snares won’t be a problem, but cunning is usually safest bet

tl;dr clefthoof pet is the MVP of the expansion. Their passives make them the absolute best pet tank in the game, and they bring hero/lust to the table.