hello folks.
I’m new to pvp and been wondering whats the best pet for arena and bg… I have the below pets, appreciate if you could advise when to use which:-
ferocity wolf (leech 15% & -50% enemy movement speed)
Most people run Ravasaur because while slows are nice, the reduction to healing and trinket are stronger. One extra slow will not help you much considering you have a slowing trap, concussive shot and Disengage you can use to distance yourself from combat. Concussive shot is only on a 5 second cooldown and costs no focus while your pets slow is on a 10 second cooldown.
I would say the only time it seems more beneficial to use a pet with a slow is probably during flag capture maps if you feel the flag carrier will outrun you and your pet needs to slow them.
If you are BM then most of your damage is from your pet. The pets damage will only leech health to the pet, not you.
Leech is much better on survival hunters and MM hunters. You also can’t use the active ability in arenas or rated pvp so you are losing out on that as well. I use spirit beasts in pvp but if I had a good healer that I could trust then I would probably use a cunning pet with the mortal wounds ability.
A Cunning pet gives you the ability to remove roots from yourself and your pet, and get a 4 second immunity to them.
Wowhead recommends Aquiri for a slow on enemies and their increased move speed, allowing them to easily stick to the target. For a Mortal Strike effect, they recommend a Raptor, Hyena, or Rodent, since these have the MS effect and are Cunning. Sadly no Exotic Cunning pets have MS effects.
Is this just a pvp thing? When I took my BM hunter solo into Plaguefall for the serpent mount several guides recommended leech pets because the player is also healed.
If you are doing solo content then you want either a spirit beast for the spirit mend active heal or you want a leech pet for the leeching passive healing.
So if you are soloing plaguefall then its good that your leech pet is constantly healing itself while it does damage on top of your mend pet. Your damage is basically just cobra shot, the barbed shot damage over time, and your kill shot so BM hunters do not benefit from leech the way a MM hunter with no pet would because the MM hunter does all the damage and gets all the leech. Again, the big active ability which gives you and your allies a massive haste buff cannot be used in rated PvP so you shouldnt really be using those pets in PvP anyway, you are bettering off using a cunning pet for the immunity to roots and snares or a spirit beast for the spirit mend and the damage reduction personal cooldown.
I’m saying when I switched to a leech pet it was healing my character as well as my pet. That’s how I was able to do it, had to leave the dungeon to get a new tame so I didn’t die.
The healing is split between hunter and pet, you are only healed from your damage, while your pet is healed by its damage. Mend pet will also heal you for a decent amount through leech, which is what helped me so much in the dungeon.
No, your autoattacks, your cobra shots, kill shots, all the damage that came directly from you was healing you.
Your pets damage leeches health to the pet and your damage leeches health to you. So you are both getting healed but only in direct proportion to how much damage you each deal.
If you were a survival hunter you would notice the leech healing much more because the majority of your damage as a survival hunter is from your raptor strikes and your serpent sting and your grenades, all of which would leech health to you, not your pet.
But when it comes to soloing content BM hunters are just far superior to MM and survival because you can spam mend pet and misdirect to your pet and BM hunter pets have beast cleave which helps them hold aggro on multiple targets.
You just restated in different words what I told you.
Point is, yes the hunter does receive more healing when you use a leech pet. I’ll assume they do in pvp as well, you were just under the impression it didn’t work that way.
I’m trying to say all the health that you leeched in plaguefall was a result of your hunter’s direct attacks, not your pets attacks.
If you were at 50% health, and you sat there without a target, without attacking anything, you would not get any leech while your pet would continue attacking its target, and leeching health based on the damage it did.
The only way you can leech health is by doing damage, any damage the pet does, will only leech health to the pet, not you.
You absolutely want the mortal wounds in most situations
If you get the undead variant of the mortal wounds pet it can’t be scare beasted or soothed either
Theres a lot of people that don’t realize the primary pet has more focus than the clone pet. If they’re both the same with the same name it can confuse some people ccing the clone doesn’t do much