Best BG only spec

As someone really only interested in BGs (and probably blitz for conq cap) I’m asking what the best spec would be to actually contribute to winning?

I don’t mean just top damage, but specs that can turn the tide, make a difference with objectives etc?

Rogue or Druid has the most potential imo

potato mode: hunter

actual desire to grow as a player mode: rogue, druid, mage.

potato mode bonus round: deathwish fury warrior

Always has and will be rogue. The spec itself may vary based on how strong they are, but a well played Rogue makes more of an impact in a bg that any other class bar none.

Everyone already said it, rogue.

Can cc-cap bases solo in domination maps, can smoke bomb kill enemy flag carriers in flag maps, as well as pretty much any priority target needed with huge burst.


cyclone is best cc in game

it helps land kills and best peel for ur healers

boomies also do insane damage, can offheal, carry flags inm bear form etc