Best battle pets to level

I never messed with batttle pets much, because they seemed tedious to level. I found out last night however that dana pull sells leveling stones. I have enough pet charms to max out 3 pets. Which ones should I level and which ones should I go after that I dont have?


Terrible Turnip and Bonkers. Terrible Turnip is a key leveling pet that has an attack that won’t reduce a pet below 1 health. Great for trapping new wild pets.

Bonkers is also a good pet for your leveling team. Humanoid so has an auto-heal and a powerful attack that does about 450 damage.

I think both can be purchased on the AH, but Bonkers is a pretty rare drop so probably expensive. I bought my TT but got Bonkers on a drop.


Thanks. Thats Ill check those out. Especially the turnip. That one sounds really good for catching pets.

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I bought a cat in Legion dreamweavers that seems to have some good abilities,
I don’t pet battle but I somehow got my cat to level 25 with just the random tokens you find.

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I disagree with Zero. I would level a Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling, Anubisath Idol and one of the green dragons (Emerald Proto-whelp, Dream Whelpling or Emerald Whelpling.)

These are very powerful pets that are used in a lot of strats.


Kailiun two resources for you:

  1. Pet Battles section of the forums:

  2. Warcraftpets website:

Good luck and have fun!


All good ones, especially the Anubisath Idol. I think I’m missing the Mech Pandaren Dragon.

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Zandalari Anklerender and Ikky are also good ones to level.


Turnip is good for trapping low levels. My go to group is Nether Faire Dragon, Mechanical Pandarian Dragon and Iron Starlette.


The Snobold from ToC has the same weakening effect of the turnip if needed.

The Mechanical Gnome is a beast with setting up all the turrets too. (Do not use with anub idols tornado ability, itll make them do no damage)

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I started with the ones that I have from this list -

From there it depends on the strategy needed for each Pet Trainer you encounter.


I love faerie dragons too and have three of them. I also have Blingtron that I use on a regular basis.

Good luck!



My go-to pets for battling are:

The falcosaur pets from Legion
Lil’ Bling
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti
Nexus Whelpling
Fel Flame
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Anubisath Idol
Pandaren Water Elemental
unborn val’kyr
Emerald Proto Whelp
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Blue Clockwork Rocket Bot
Rabbit battle pets (against undead pets and because dig helps avoid two turn attacks)
Fox battle pets (for their howl and speed boost moves)

And those are just a few I use regularly.


Tovi’s advice is what I (sorta) followed. (Check my pet achievements)

Anubisath requires running AQ. You don’t need to be 120 to do that.

Mechanical is an AH purchase.

Once you have a small stable (10-25) you’ll want to do the following:

  1. Garrison Pet battles
  2. Celestial Tournament (This will be hard at first)
  3. Pandarian Trainers (Elemental ones)

There is little RNG with pet battles, other than rarity (can be adjusted upward via stones), spawn rate (can be frustrating. Looking at you Ape from island), and % chance to capture. You put in the time, you will get the pet.

Get your garrisonS to level 3 to get the free pet stone. Run AQ often.

Let us know how it goes.


Nexus Whelpling, Darkmoon Zepp, and Scourged Whelpling are among my most used pets.


Make sure to check out Xu-Fu’s Pet Battle Strategies site as well.

It’s a must have in every pet battlers tool box.


It really depends on what you plan on doing with the pets.

Are you going to capture wild pets?
Are you going to get into pvp pet battles against other player?
Are you just looking for a team/s to do world quests/pet trainers with?

I personally would level up the Ghastly Kid and an Arctic Fox/Worg Pup to use to level other pets on Squirt or Super Squirt days in your garrison by following the strategy in comment 21 on the Squirt entry on wowhead.

On regular days with the safari hat and pet treat buffs it takes about 4 wins against Squirt to level a pet from 1 to 25, when Squirt lines up with the the pet battle weekly event (Super Squirt), it only takes 2 battles.

It is by far the most efficient way to level any other pets you might want without grinding tons of charms.

Squirt is up once every 15 days.

Edit: I should mention also that there is a pet vendor that can heal your pets right next to the garrison pet arena to quickly heal your team for the next round.


There’s a lot of frequently used ones… gonna be hard to pick 3. If you want a solid team that can beat any random team while you grind out levels then I recommend an Emerald drake due to the shield/heal.
Here’s some of the more common ones used for bosses.

  • Ikky and the raptors with black claw/stampede combo
  • Direbeak hatchling
  • Unborn Valk’yr
  • Chrominius
  • Any emerald whelp
  • Lil Bling
  • Iron Starlette
  • Anubiseth Idol (not so much in BfA)

I would keep the charms for buying more pets personally :slight_smile:


A great one with a tanky feel is Emerald Proto-Whelp

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