Best AV of my Life in 20 Years of WoW (Ivus summoned it was Epic!)

I really hope that Epics continue to be like this!! The most fun AV I’ve ever done in my WoW life!! I love how dangerous the NPCs are and it requires groups to take tactical points on the map now. You can’t just ninja a tower. You can’t run past every objective and zerg the boss.

Now we have Epic PvP where you have huge massive fights and have to use resources to summon your alies to battle the enemies! I actually crashed in the middle of it not sure how long the AV was? Maybe 45 mins long and that’s how Epic BGs should be 30-45 mins long of pure crazy non stop danger and action!

Here is a picture of Ivus on the Battlefield and also a screenie of the end stats! Prot PvP holding down the middle of the battle and helping win the war.


nah lets go back to cringe 3 min boss rushes.

that way u can say that u werein Q longer than you played an EPIC bg.

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No way you only got 300 honor for that AV. Were you capped on honor?

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I didn’t really track my honor. Does the end show all the honor you got during from HKs? I also did DC once and crash. Not sure if that effected it.

I wasn’t I had just bought full gear so was pretty low.

Yea probably tracked from after the DC, usually a win like that is 2k honor!


Yea I DCed like 20 mins in. Then I had a hard crash like 10 mins latter. So the last part was maybe 10 mins. I’m sure it’s a little bit my PC and also some bugs with new abilities that caused it.

I was just happy to get back in I’m like noooooo don’t let me out of the best AV of all time!!

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It always annoys me when we have a great, long AV (or any other epic), and half the team is complaining about how long it’s taking. Too many people see epics as just honor farms, but when you queue for epics, you should be prepared for a long match. That’s the whole point of them.

I’m glad you had a great experience in that one!


Good game Abomb, was fun in there fighting you guys. Had to show up once in awhile to melt you away otherwise you tanked our team forever.


Nailed it

Yea was a great game you put up some crazy numbers. I expect to see more Spriest soon. I felt very tanky for once as well in Epic BGs. I think the M+ tank nerfs/design changes were indirectly Tank buffs in PvP in a round about way. I have time to react and cycle derfensives now with the boost to HP.


The problem is they don’t scale up the NPCs each season so while they might be very powerful now, by the time season 2 comes around they are going to be super weak again.
Blizzard really should scale NPCs up every season to keep them relevant. Also the siege vehicles, since for example in isle of conquest in season 1 the glaives might be really good, but by season 2 they die in 10 seconds.

While tactics will certainly change between seasons, AV and Ashran shouldn’t ever be the 10 minute rush to the bosses that they normally become. If I queue for an epic battleground, I want an epic battle.

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That’s not really what is going on. The NPC’s are exceptionally strong compared to other times due to multiple changes. Hopefully they don’t get nerfed.

Season 2 won’t make a difference I got hit for 13 million by crushing leap as Prot in Ioc. I will get stronger but not 13 mil stronger to where anyone can just solo it.

Archers in AV have 35 mil HP and are doing 2 mil per shot. Dps will never tank them and they shouldn’t. It should require a Tank getting agro so stealth can cap. Everything should continue to require group effort.

Totally agree.

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AV this week is absolutely fantastic. I’d leave the NPCs nearly this strong all season if I could (just a smidge weaker so they’re not one man armies). But it’s nice to actually have to treat them like genuine threats.


Yea amazing that we get to experience this gift right now. Never thought the best AV’s of my life would be in TWW but they are. Just amazing and people are starting to get the hang of them and work better together.

I think more people should be getting things done through personal girth and power. That’s how most things work nowadays.

Wow should be no different and slowly but surely we are getting there.

Cause when things are settled through girth and power then if you run into somebody with more of it than you then you lose. But you can then go and get more of it yourself and before you know it everyone is extraordinary individually and everyone is better off.

Oh, stop. Boss NPCs are completely unkillable. Agmar’s Crushing Leap wipes entire group, no matter where you are. It’s so damn dumb.

good thats how it should be it should take longer its an epic bg not a pve boss rush


Except for the fact that I main tanked him and we killed him. So this is false. Don’t get me wrong a lot of people will die but I’ve done it. The Boss fight was about 5 mins long about.

I also did this without full gear which now I have. I almost had a chance to tank Vol in Ashran just now but he reset and we just ended up farming them and winning on kills.

Totally agree with that said you can kill them with a good group does take awhile though and you have to keep an eye on them wiping you as it’s far more deadly and a risk. Which is nice.