hi guys, really excited to try rogue again, specifically for PvP. In your opinions, what horde race really looks the best for rogue in terms of attack animations, transmogs and all that? I am currently thinking Blood elf cause they look not bad.
If nobody answers(i havent tried horde yet) can always go ahead with class trial , dont forget to check out how gear looks on that race , weapons too .
My void elf irkks me by not being able to hold fist weapon straight
My worgen irkks me with some shoulders/helm …
Thats what im doing on my next rogue , im gonna try and test them all out 1 by 1 , make sure nothing annoys me from them
You might want to take a look at their racial abilities too. Blood Elves used to have a racial ability, but it was removed from the game, and now they are the only race without a racial.
In my opinion (since you asked) your choices are Undead, Troll, or Goblin. A point could be made for Vulpera if you’re into furries. I love Orcs with all my heart, but I want my rogue to be little and sneaky, and Orcs are built like linebackers. They do have a good racial though.
My rogue is an Undead female, and it’s perfect for me.
Blood Elves used to have Arcane Torrent, which was a 2 second AoE silence, which might have been the best racial ability in the game. Now, they have Arcane Torrent, which “removes one beneficial effect”. Which is the worst racial ability in the game.
I used to run a male NE rogue in BC and loved him. Rerolled troll female rogue and she was pretty cool. But for classic I decided to roll female orc rogue and she may very well be my favorite of all.
Could be a touch of recency bias but she looks great in her gear (not too bulky like males) and the animations are good as well.